Treasure Hunter
In the end, the greatest treasure was an adventurous spirit. That, or what's in the box.
Objectives (39)
Collect all treasures from locations around Tyria.
Ancient Stone Summit Shoulder Spike
Ancient Jotun Runestone
Prize Winning Horn
Priory Granite Citadel History
Gargoyle Fossil
Flame Legion Carving
Dog Tags
Orrian Pearl
Submarine Periscope Lens
Rusty Trident Tip
Wurm Tooth
Lionguard Assault Badge
Silent Conch Shell
Shiny Button
Hylek-Slayer Badge
Orrian Relic
Pendant of Arah
Ulgoth's Tail
Symbol of the Inquest
Rotbeard's Treasure
All Seeing
Eternal Ice
Breath of Kralkatorrik
Commissar's Manifesto
Enchanted Key
Burning Forest Crest
Mark of the Tamini
Seal of the Oratuss
Enchanted Glacial Shard
Rhendak's Signet
Royal Signet of Doric
20 Slot Fractal Exotic Equipment Box
Chalice of Rhendak
Sacred Skritt Shiny Shard
Dessa's Experiment Journal
Mystic Artifact
Goblet of Kings
Infinite Wisdom
- : 1 objectives completed
- : 19 objectives completed
- : 39 objectives completed