Tricks and Treats
"Trick or treat!"
—Your Inner Child
Use an Old Pillowcase, found in Trick-or-Treat Bags.
Objectives (19)
Collect and use traditional Tyrian Halloween tricks and treats.
Rotten Egg
Toilet Paper
Candied Apple
Bowl of Candy Corn Custard
Candy Corn Cake
Strawberry Ghost
Candy Corn Cookie
Piece of Candy Corn Almond Brittle
Glazed Pear Tart
Glazed Pumpkin Pie
Glazed Chocolate Raspberry Cookie
Glazed Peach Tart
Omnomberry Ghost
Spicy Pumpkin Cookie
Bottle of Batwing Brew
Lump of Crystallized Nougat
Vial of Maize Balm
Sharpening Skull
Flask of Pumpkin Oil
- : 1 objectives completed
- : 10 objectives completed
- : 19 objectives completed