What makes Mr. Quiggles so special? You decide!


Play through the Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds story chapter Finding Balance to unlock this collection.


Collect materials for the kodan of Forager's Hunt to make their own stuffed toys.

  • Speak with Chilly Tarn. You may be able to find her at Forager's Hunt.
  • Gather weavable plant fibers. Some say they grow only near rivers that run with blood.
  • Find some form of stuffing. Gendarran Fields is Tyria's largest producer of wool.
  • Find a mechanical frame. Where might inventors gather?
  • Talk with kodan cubs about the coolest toys. These four cubs love to chat around the local watering hole.
  • Find a small pair of wings. Check the hinterlands, where flying things are born.
  • Find a squeaker. A new merchant in one of Tyria's largest cities might have one of these for sale.
  • Choose a rock for a heart. These can be found where the hills echo and the current carries the salty tang of seawater.
  • Return to Forager's Hunt—it's time to make a new Mr. Quiggles!


  1. 3 : 1 objectives completed
  2. 4 : 9 objectives completed
Total: 7


  • Unknown mastery point