Complete Academic Arch
Complete Academic Arch
Consumable (Generic)A decoration schematic that is processed by the guild's assembly device to make the decoration.
Account BoundNot salvageable
Not sellable
Crafted from
Potion of PvP Reward
Air-Strike Grenade
Gold Wall
Wide Library Shelf
Fractal Console
Blue Moa Tonic
Wolf Tonic
Ascalonian Pillar
Fancy Table
- Show 241 more similar items…
Weathered Elonian Arch
Weathered Elonian Column
Silverwastes Shovel
Norn Summit Flag
Guild XP Gain
Potted Fan Palm
Potted Shrub
Guild WXP Gain
Silver Samarog Trophy
Forged Brazier
Super Happy Cloud
Stag Tonic
Festival Token
Potted Blooming Moa Fern
Summit Flag
Lattice Planter with Orange Petunias
Lattice Planter
Elegant Pillar
Sandstone Pillar
Guild PvP Reward Track
Guild Karma Boost
Mists Griffon Statue
Spire Topiary
Fancy Armchair
Block of the Solid Ocean
Blue Wintersday Gift
Super Tree Trunk
Spider's Web Wall
Evon Gnashblade Support Banner
Essence of Gold
Griffon Fountain
Dwayna Statue
Guild WXP Gain
Sylvari Summit Flag
Head Topiary
Norn Summit Banner
Loaded Wagon
Hedge Pillar
Green Pirate Flag
Deluxe Wyvern Trophy
Vined Lattice
Plush Armchair
Potted Gold Fern
Crooked Mushroom
Worn Pillar
Human Summit Flag
Square Guild Bar
Elegant Wall Panel
Charr Statue
Simple Table
Potted Djinn's Tongue
Simple Shelf
Large Festival Tent
Armor Stand
Cheery Balloon Bundle
Potted Maguuma Lily (Double Bloom)
Gold Chak Gerent Trophy
Silver White Mantle Abomination Trophy
Super Small Rock
Forged Pylon
Bronze Desmina Trophy
White Wintersday Gift
Coriander Seed Pouch
Bronze Qadim Trophy
Pot of Chrysanthemums
Super Pointing Glad Hand
Super Rainbow Arch
Jormag Hologram Generator
Holographic Track Downward Ramp
Astral Ward Orb Stand
Sealed Package of Snowballs
Mystery Tonic
Owl Tonic
Minotaur Tonic
Ooze Tonic
Guild Gathering and Swiftness Banner
Mordrem Kidney Extraction Device
Guild WXP Gain
Summit Banner
Charr Summit Banner
Map Bonus Rate Increase
Long Fancy Table
Lattice Planter with Loosestrife
Guild Magic Find
Demolished Mast Pole
Hedge Corner
Map Bonus Rate Increase
Plush Sofa
Potted Bamboo Cluster
Lion Statue
Deluxe Charr Copter
Sylvari Summit Banner
Capped Gold Pillar
Seance Candle
Sphere Topiary
Map Bonus Rate Increase
Ornate Armor Stand
Guild PvP Reward Track
Potted Junglerice
Potted Slender Fern Tree
Yellow Cushion
Highback Chair
Festival Tent
Festive Balloon Bundle
Body Topiary
Thorny Mushroom
Short Guild Banquet Table
Red Festival Umbrella
Silver Shatterer Trophy
Bronze Slothasor Trophy
Super King Frog
Large Block of the Solid Ocean
Female Norn Holo-Dancer
Hemisphere of Snow
Gold Cairn the Indomitable Trophy
Elonian Cairn Stones
Gold Statue of Grenth Trophy
Gingerbread-Man Ice Sculpture
Zephyr Walkway
Zephyr Water Pot
Red Dragon Target
Bronze Cardinal Adina Trophy
Super Ice Wall
Infinirarium Deck
Writ of New Kaineng City
Racing Checkpoint Projector
Primordial Leviathan Rib Cage: Left Curved
Dragon's Tooth Lantern
Super Mushroom Platform
Super Lily Pad
Wintersday Star
Super Pointing Hand
Dragon Bash Pylon
Mystery Tonic
Jackalope Tonic
Pink Moa Tonic
Pig Tonic
Krait Tonic
Skale Tonic
Spider Tonic
Steam Ogre Tonic
Guild Heroes Banner
Mordrem Tendon Extraction Device
Mordrem Spleen Extraction Device
Mordrem Fang Extraction Device
Mordrem Bladder Extraction Device
Potted Mature Night Thistle
Square Firepit
Charr Summit Flag
Yellow Balloon
Guild Crafting Boost
Guild Magic Find
Elegant Square Pillar
Marriner Statue
Guild XP Gain
Potted Tree
Map Bonus Rate Increase
Human Summit Banner
Broken Sandstone Pillar
Divinity Street Lamp
Guild Gathering Boost
Green Cushion
Red Flag
Guild Gathering Boost
Bundle of Corn Stalks
Large Square Pillar
Guild Gathering Boost
Guild WXP Gain
Guild Gathering Boost
Lion Fountain
Broken Mast Pole
Potted Blue Moa Fern
Griffon Statue
Guild WXP Gain
Potted Tall Cypress
Asuran Summit Banner
Crooked Thorny Mushroom
Guild Barstool
Melandru Statue
Elaborate Sandstone Pillar
Lattice Arbor
Empty Square Planter
Red Balloon
Guild Crafting Boost
Guild Magic Find
White Flag
Guild Magic Find
Potted Fern Tree
Guild Crafting Boost
Distressed Lion Statue
Guild WXP Gain
Potted Lady Palm
Mists Dolyak Statue
Blue Pirate Flag
Guild Karma Boost
Potted Fruiting Night Thistle
Mists Rock Dog Statue
Worn Arch
Tyrian Globe
Guild Karma Boost
Asuran Summit Flag
Guild Karma Boost
Festive Streetlamp
Bronze Tequatl Trophy
Bronze White Mantle Abomination Trophy
Silver Triple Trouble Trophy
Bronze Triple Trouble Trophy
Painting of Moto
Super Rock Ramp
Super Rock Wall
Globe of Whispers
Bronze Siege the Stronghold Trophy
Male Norn Holo-Dancer
Large Male Norn Holo-Dancer
Cube of Snow
Cuboid of Snow
Large Cube of Snow
Silver Deimos Trophy
Elonian Railing
Branded Crystal
Elonian Hawk Statue
Forged Fire Wall
Spiral Elonian Windmill
Branded Spire
Silver River of Souls Trophy
Bronze Statue of Grenth Trophy
Karmic Retribution
Arrow Pattern Snowflake Platform
Garlic Seed Pouch
Strawberry Seed Pouch
Black Peppercorn Seed Pouch
Super Angry Cloud
Primordial Leviathan Rib Cage: Right Curved
Ice Castle: Roof
Ox Statue
Draped Wintersday Garland