Sorcerer's Cape Glider
Sorcerer's Cape Glider
MasterworkConsumable (Recipe)
This will unlock the glider skin in your account wardrobe.
Account BoundNot salvageable
Not sellable
Recipe: Corsair Sharpening Stone
Recipe: Satchel of Rejuvenating Leather Armor (Master)
Tanglewood Wings Glider
Recipe: Satchel of Ravaging Outlaw Armor (Master)
Lunar Glider
Recipe: Satchel of Ravaging Student Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Ravaging Splint Armor
Recipe: Box of Honed Splint Armor
Recipe: Satchel of Mighty Seeker Armor (Master)
- Show 241 more similar items…
Recipe: Satchel of Rejuvenating Outlaw Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Strong Outlaw Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Ravaging Leather Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Hearty Student Armor (Master)
Dynamics Glider Module
Recipe: Corsair Maintenance Oil
Cryomancer Glider
Eternal Mandala Glider
Recipe: Satchel of Mighty Embroidered Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Rejuvenating Student Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Hearty Acolyte Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Cleric's Winged Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Vigorous Splint Armor
Recipe: Box of Cleric's Reinforced Scale Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Hearty Leather Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Honed Acolyte Armor (Master)
Recipe: Hylek Maintenance Oil
Snow Owl Mail Carrier
Parrot Mail Carrier
Grasping Phantom Glider
Sheet Music Glider
Recipe: Corsair Tuning Crystal
Scaled Dragon Wings Glider
Shrine Guardian Glider Skin
Canthan Spiritualist Glider
Jade Tech Jetpack Glider
Umbral Serpent Glider Skin
Lightning Wings Glider
Undying Shackles Glider
Infernal Envoy Glider Skin
Recipe: Satchel of Resilient Embroidered Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Strong Student Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Rejuvenating Acolyte Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Vigorous Acolyte Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Berserker's Feathered Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Carrion Reinforced Scale Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Rampager's Reinforced Scale Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Knight's Barbaric Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Hunter's Outlaw Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Strong Leather Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Vigorous Leather Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Cleric's Prowler Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Berserker's Prowler Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Knight's Winged Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Giver's Leather Armor
Recipe: Ogre Sharpening Stone
White Feather Wings Glider
Black Feather Wings Glider
Phoenix Kite Glider
Celestial Rooster Glider
Super Adventure Holo-Copter
Recipe: Magnanimous Tuning Crystal
Spooky Springer Mount
Spooky Raptor Mount
Glacial Glider
Beastslayer Glider
Timekeeper Glider
Wandering Cloud Chair and Glider Combo
Stained Glass Wings Glider
Vermilion Wings Glider
Alchemist Glider
Watchwork Wings Glider
Lightbinder Blades Glider
Zephyrite Paraglider Glider
Skyscale Squadron Glider
Branded Relic Glider
Fox Spirit Glider
Canthan Phoenix Wings Glider
New Kaineng Cape Glider
Recipe: Satchel of Malign Embroidered Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Healing Embroidered Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Strong Acolyte Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Carrion Winged Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Assassin's Winged Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Berserker's Winged Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Assassin's Feathered Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Valkyrie Feathered Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Mighty Chain Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Precise Chain Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Resilient Chain Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Vital Chain Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Hunter's Scale Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Vigorous Scale Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Rejuvenating Splint Armor
Recipe: Box of Hunter's Splint Armor
Recipe: Box of Hearty Splint Armor
Recipe: Box of Assassin's Reinforced Scale Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Berserker's Reinforced Scale Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Valkyrie Reinforced Scale Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Carrion Barbaric Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Berserker's Barbaric Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Malign Seeker Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Healing Seeker Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Honed Outlaw Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Hunter's Leather Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Valkyrie Rascal Armor (Master)
Bag Slot Expansion
Bank Tab Expansion
Recipe: Satchel of Hearty Outlaw Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Apothecary's Feathered Armor
Recipe: Box of Apothecary's Barbaric Armor
Gifts Mail Delivery
Crystal Arbiter Glider
Soul River Glider
Ugly Wool Glider
Wings of Love Glider
Super Bee Dog Mail Carrier
Recipe: Hunter's Kit
Recipe: Crude Leather Book
Cymbel's Baby Book Notes
Recipe: Small Flute
Crystalline Dragon Wings Glider
Recipe: Magnanimous Sharpening Stone
Recipe: Magnanimous Maintenance Oil
Magic Carpet Glider
Abaddon's Glider
Desert King Glider
Spooky Jackal Mount
Riding Broom Glider
Griffon Hatchling Glider
Roaring Dragon Glider
Archdemon Wings Glider
Cute Demon Wings Glider
Pineapple Dye
Ebon Vanguard Elite Outfit and Shoulders Package
Spellforged Glider
Draconic Wings Glider
Growth Dye
Whale Spirit Glider
Build Template Expansion
Cube Matrix Glider
Flying Boar Glider
Cute Angel Wings Glider
Recipe: Satchel of Hunter's Acolyte Armor (Master)
Playful Ghost Jade Bot Skin
Water Dragon Wings Glider
Cuddly Cat Glider Skin
Recipe: Satchel of Vital Embroidered Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Honed Student Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Hunter's Student Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Vigorous Student Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Valkyrie Winged Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Carrion Feathered Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Rampager's Feathered Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Healing Chain Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Honed Scale Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Strong Splint Armor
Recipe: Box of Assassin's Barbaric Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Valkyrie Barbaric Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Rampager's Barbaric Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Precise Seeker Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Resilient Seeker Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Vigorous Outlaw Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Cleric's Rascal Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Berserker's Rascal Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Assassin's Prowler Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Valkyrie Prowler Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Rampager's Prowler Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Knight's Rascal Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Giver's Acolyte Armor
Electromagnetic-Descender Glider
White Mantle Glider
Mursaat Wings Glider
Infinirarium Glider
Shattered Bloodstone Glider
Super Cloud Glider
Vine-Touched Destroyer Glider
Feathers of the Zephyr Package
Geomancer Glider
Branded Wing Glider
Spooky Griffon Mount
Wild Magic Glider
Mini Branded Mounts Pack
Sunspear Glider
Mini Exo-Suit Mounts Pack
Shattered Cathedral Glider
Elemental Fury Glider
Nightspeaker Wings Glider
Watermelon Dye
Dreamwalker Wings Glider
Equipment Template Expansion
Inquest Overseer Glider
Legion Jetpack Glider
Etherbound Glider
Recipe: Satchel of Carrion Rascal Armor (Master)
Venombite Wings Glider
Equinox Wings Glider
Roundtail Dragon Jade Bot Skin
Recipe: Satchel of Precise Embroidered Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Ravaging Acolyte Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Rampager's Winged Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Malign Chain Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Ravaging Scale Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Rejuvenating Scale Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Strong Scale Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Hearty Scale Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Knight's Reinforced Scale Armor (Master)
Recipe: Box of Cleric's Barbaric Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Assassin's Rascal Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Rampager's Rascal Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Carrion Prowler Armor (Master)
Confetti Mail Delivery
Raven Mail Carrier
Exalted Glider
Snowflake Glider
Hawk Wings Glider
Ironclad Glider
Phoenix Glider
Macaw Wings Glider
Moth Wings Glider
Shining Blade Glider
Spectral Glider
Raven's Spirit Glider
Fallen Balthazar Package
Mini Spooky Mounts Pack
Spooky Skimmer Mount
Forged Glider
Wild Magic Backpack Glider Combo
Jeweled Scarab Glider
Mini Awakened Mounts Pack
Giant Shuriken Glider
Shimmering Aurora Glider
Volcanic Glider
Starlight Wings Glider
Recipe: Simple Boreal Canteen
Shiverpeaks Hunter Glider
Alpine Dye
Build Storage Expansion
Skeletal Wings Glider
Citadel Assault Glider
Mordrem Glider
Dragon Fireworks Glider
Sylph Wings Glider
Aurene Wings Glider
Jade Tech Wings Glider
Cuddly Cat Jade Bot Skin
Recipe: Satchel of Cleric's Feathered Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Knight's Feathered Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Vital Seeker Armor (Master)
Recipe: Satchel of Knight's Prowler Armor (Master)