Guild Light Armor
Guild Light Armor
Unlocks skin: Guild Archmage RobesRare
Consumable (Transmutation Stone)
This armor will not display an emblem if you are not representing this guild.
Double-click to imbue another Light Armor's stats into this appearance (one-time ability).
Not sellable
Homespun Garb
Devout Garb
Oldgate Garb
Devout Garb
Devout Garb Skin
Stonefall Garb
Pit Winner's Light Chestpiece
Devout Garb (PvP)
Tor's Cloth Coat
Guild Heavy Armor
Oldgate Garb
Cloth Beetletun Chestpiece
Guild Archmage Robes (PvP)
Guild Medium Armor
Homespun Garb
Tarff Garb
Devout Patrol Garb
Stonefall Garb
Guild Archmage Robes of the Mesmer (PvP)