Letter of Commendation
Letter of Commendation
RareConsumable (Generic)
Your admirable performance merits greater recognition. This letter will grant 400 Influence to the guild you represent when you use it.
Soulbound on AcquireNot sellable
Bead of Liquid Karma
Recipe: Tier 10 Core
Garden of the Gods Page 01
Garden of the Gods Page 02
Item Booster
Giant Bangle
Cymbel's Baby Book Notes
Springer Treat
Icon of the Goddess
- Show 153 more similar items…
Recipe: Tier 7 Core
Ancient Arcane Scroll
Recipe: Small Flute
Garden of the Gods Page 04
Temporary Selfless Potion
Gift of Sprockets
Weathered Favor of the Bazaar
Enchanted Treasure Chest
Personal Bandit Chest
Pact Crowbar
Greater Potion of Auric Attunement
Ley-Line Crystal Essence
Eternal Flame
Raptor Treat
False Vision Crystal
Lost Emerald
New Horizons Supply Drop Requisition
Drop of Liquid Karma
Thimble of Liquid Karma
Sip of Liquid Karma
Taste of Liquid Karma
Gulp of Liquid Karma
Refugee Child's Drawing
Encrypted Thank-You Letter
Master of the Arena Title
Birthday Booster
WvW Tournament Claim Ticket
Tome of Mentorship
Bandit Skeleton Key
Aurillium Essence
Personal Crystallized Supply Cache Voucher
Captain Grumby's Ship Call Bell
Demon Statue
Suspicious Order
Garden of the Gods Page 07
Garden of the Gods Page 05
Elon Sapphire
Garden of the Gods Page 03
Prayer Lights
Landscape Study: Diverting the Elon
Garden of the Gods Page 06
Black Lion Garden Plot Deed
Letter of Commendation
Boneskinner Tonic
Knife Tail Gang Hunting Bond
9th Anniversary Supply Drop Requisition
Title Scroll: Prodigy of Shing Jea
Recipe: Tier 1 Core
Notarized Scroll of Jade Heroics
Pile of Research
Eloquent Letter of Thanks
Consumable Token
Twitchok's Blueprints
Flask of Liquid Karma
Drip of Liquid Karma
Refugee Child's Drawing
Basic Harvesting Node Pack
Birthday Card
Airship Essence
Recipe: Crude Leather Book
Skimmer Treat
Haunted Armchair
Potion of Mist Rewards
8th Anniversary Supply Drop Requisition
Warclaw Tail Armor
Shing Jea Dragon Boat Skiff Skin
End of Dragons Launch Supply Drop Requisition
Experience Booster
Vial of Liquid Karma
Swig of Liquid Karma
WXP Booster
Revive Orb
Krait Obelisk Shard
Weathered Favor of the Pavilion
Notarized Scroll of Maguuma Heroics
Spooky Cauldron
Lucky Prismatic Rocket
Basic Leather Rack
Recipe: Hunter's Kit
Hanging Tree
Homespun Blindfold
Incriminating Evidence
Letter from Unja
Dwarf-Cut Adamantine
Royal Onyx
Missive for Ebele
Haunted Loveseat
Spooky Dining Table
Teal Branded Mist
Recipe: Tier 6 Core
Letter of Thanks
Ancient Scroll
Mystic Forge Node
Keg of Liquid Karma
Dragon's Fortune Fireworks
Additional Crafting License
Scroll of Knowledge
Prismatic Rocket
Vial of Chak Acid
Aurillium Node
Recipe: Runed Sphere Casing
Personal Exalted Chest Voucher
Mad Moon
Advanced Leather Rack
Trader's Key
Ancient Tusk
Hastily Written Letter
Tormented Tourmaline
Casino Coin
Jackal Treat
Spooky Dining Chair
Favor of the Bazaar
Favor of the Pavilion
Mystic Insight
War Eternal Supply Drop Requisition
Recipe: Tier 5 Core
Recipe: Tier 9 Core
Lengthy Letter of Thanks
Trade Agreement
WXP Booster
Essence of Luck
Basic Cloth Rack
Boot Requisition Order
Greater Potion of Verdant Attunement
Greater Potion of Tangled Attunement
Advanced Cloth Rack
Ghostly Dining Table
Decorated Casket
Recipe: Tier 2 Core
Recipe: Tier 8 Core
Recipe: Tier 4 Core
Jug of Liquid Karma
Karma Gift Box
Basic Ore Node Pack
Basic Lumber Node Pack
Entry Level Opportunities in Lion's Arch
Nan's Candy Corn Cookie
Personal Airship Cargo Voucher
Notarized Scroll of Desert Heroics
Ghostly Dining Chair
Roller Beetle Treat
Djinn Tonic
Guild Anniversary Banner
Ascalonian Tear
Twitchok's Blueprints
Trade Agreement
Recipe: Filtered Honey
Bundle of Loot
Taste of Instant World Experience
Title Scroll: Demon Hunter
Recipe: Tier 3 Core
Secrets of the Obscure Launch Supply Drop Requisition