Minor Rune of Divinity
Minor Rune of Divinity
- +3 to All Stats
- +4 to All Stats
Upgrade Component (Rune)
Element: Brilliance
Double-click to apply to a piece of armor.
Upgrade in
- Berserker's Cabalist Boots of Divinity
- Berserker's Cabalist Legs of Divinity
- Bloodclaw's Bone Hood
- Bloodclaw's Leather Mask
- Bloodclaw's Metal Helm
- Bronson's Bone Leggings
- Bronson's Heavy Leggings
- Bronson's Leather Leggings
- Carrion Privateer Hat of Divinity
- Carrion Reinforced Scale Legs of Divinity
- Carrion Reinforced Scale Pauldrons of Divinity
- Cleric's Cabalist Boots of Divinity
- Cleric's Cabalist Hood of Divinity
- Cleric's Cabalist Legs of Divinity
- Cleric's Privateer Coat of Divinity
- Cleric's Reinforced Scale Gauntlets of Divinity
- Cleric's Reinforced Scale Gauntlets of Divinity
- Cloth Aquabreather
- Cloth Crab Grabbin' Gloves
- Cloth Lionguard Rebreather
- Cloth Modniir Kickers
- Cloth Vigil Chestpiece
- Company Cloth Mantle
- Company Heavy Shoulderguards
- Company Leather Shoulderpads
- Fancy Triskellian Breather
- Fancy Triskellian Breather
- Fancy Triskellian Breather
- First Haven Cloth Gloves
- First Haven Gauntlets
- First Haven Leather Gloves
- Greenflin Seraph Breastplate
- Greenflin Seraph Coat
- Greenflin Seraph Heavy Leggings
- Greenflin Seraph Leather Leggings
- Greenflin Seraph Light Leggings
- Greenflin Seraph Vest
- Heavy Crab Grabbin' Gloves
- Heavy Modniir Kickers
- Heavy Pirate Leggings
- Heavy Priory Shoulderguards
- Heavy Vigil Chestpiece
- Helm of the Nightguard
- Honed Privateer Boots of Divinity
- Honed Privateer Pants of Divinity
- Hood of the Nightguard
- Improved Guard's Boots
- Improved Guard's Great Helm
- Improved Scout's Boots
- Improved Scout's Mask
- Improved Watcher's Helmet
- Improved Watcher's Shoes
- Johan's Cloth Mantle
- Johan's Heavy Shoulderguard
- Johan's Leather Shoulderpads
- Leather Aquabreather
- Leather Crab Grabbin' Gloves
- Leather Lionguard Rebreather
- Leather Modniir Kickers
- Leather Vigil Chestpiece
- Light Pirate Leggings
- Light Priory Shoulderguards
- Lionguard Breastplate
- Lionguard Cloth Footguards
- Lionguard Cloth Shoes
- Lionguard Coat
- Lionguard Heavy Footguards
- Lionguard Heavy Footguards
- Lionguard Leather Footguards
- Lionguard Leather Shoes
- Lionguard Vest
- Mask of the Nightguard
- Medium Pirate Leggings
- Medium Priory Shoulderguards
- Metal Aquabreather
- Metal Lionguard Rebreather
- Mighty Swindler Boots of Divinity
- Pickins's Heavy Rebreather
- Pickins's Light Rebreather
- Pickins's Medium Rebreather
- Private Felix's Cloth Gloves
- Private Felix's Gauntlets
- Private Felix's Leather Gloves
- Rampager's Cabalist Gloves of Divinity
- Rampager's Cabalist Legs of Divinity
- Rampager's Privateer Coat of Divinity
- Rampager's Reinforced Scale Gauntlets of Divinity
- Ravaging Privateer Gloves of Divinity
- Ravaging Reinforced Scale Gauntlets of Divinity
- Ravaging Reinforced Scale Pauldrons of Divinity
- Sentinel's Reinforced Scale Pauldrons of Divinity
- Seraph-Issue Breastplate
- Seraph-Issue Cloth Gloves
- Seraph-Issue Coat
- Seraph-Issue Gauntlets
- Seraph-Issue Greaves
- Seraph-Issue Jacket
- Seraph-Issue Leather Gloves
- Seraph-Issue Leather Leggings
- Seraph-Issue Light Leggings
- Seraph-Issue Mantle
- Seraph-Issue Pauldrons
- Seraph-Issue Shoulderpads
- Shaman's Privateer Hat of Divinity
- Shaman's Privateer Hat of Divinity
- Shaman's Reinforced Scale Coat of Divinity
- Shaman's Reinforced Scale Legs of Divinity
- Shaman's Reinforced Scale Pauldrons of Divinity
- Strong Cabalist Legs of Divinity
- Strong Magician Mask of Divinity
- Strong Magician Mask of Divinity
- Strong Privateer Pants of Divinity
- Stylish Vigil Cloth Helm
- Stylish Vigil Heavy Helm
- Stylish Vigil Leather Helm
Crafted from
- Minor Rune of Lyssa
- Minor Rune of Rata Sum
- Minor Rune of Strength
- Minor Rune of the Nightmare
- Minor Rune of the Dolyak
- Minor Rune of Mercy
- Minor Rune of Rage
- Minor Rune of Hoelbrak
- Minor Rune of the Citadel
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- Minor Rune of Scavenging
- Minor Rune of Grenth
- Minor Rune of the Centaur
- Minor Rune of Sanctuary
- Minor Rune of the Lich
- Minor Rune of the Flock
- Minor Rune of Infiltration
- Minor Rune of the Eagle
- Minor Rune of the Grove
- Minor Rune of Balthazar
- Minor Rune of Melandru
- Minor Rune of the Golemancer
- Minor Rune of the Flame Legion
- Minor Rune of the Pack
- Minor Rune of the Monk
- Minor Rune of the Aristocracy
- Minor Rune of the Forgeman
- Minor Rune of the Baelfire
- Minor Rune of Orr
- Minor Rune of the Traveler
- Minor Rune of Vampirism
- Minor Rune of Dwayna