Sentinel's Conjurer Chest of Divinity
Sentinel's Conjurer Chest of Divinity
Defense: 314- +96
- Power
- +96
- Toughness
- +134
- Vitality

- +8 to All Stats
- +10 to All Stats
- +12 to All Stats
- +14 to All Stats
- +16 to All Stats
- +18 to All Stats, +10% Maximum Health
Armor (Coat)
Required Level: 80
Soulbound on use
Forgeman Raiment
Soul of Koda
Ogden's Coat
Vestments of the Lich
Ascalonian Performer Vestments
Berserker's Diviner Coat
Festive Sweater
Zhed's Coat
Soul of Koda
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