Crumpled Pages
Crumpled Pages
TrophyThis last will and testament, found in a Molten facility, belonged to a prisoner from the Shredder warband. It is addressed to Sten Veilshredder in the Black Citadel's Ruins of Rin.
Account BoundNot salvageable
Not sellable
Required to complete the following achievements:
Siege Weapon Piece
Skyscale Scales #14
A Dire Issue
Growth of Strawberries
Forge Supplies
Skyscale Lost—Griffonrook Run
Courage in the Face of Shattered Faith
Dowsing Rod
Alpine Lily
- Show 241 more similar items…
Plush Rug
Highjump Ranch Supply Barrel
Skyscale #10
Skyscale #14
Spring Water
Matrix Cube Key
Stolen Sack of Feed
Krait Skin
Gear Crank
Raven Egg
Skale Egg
Grawl Potion
Tuning Crystal
Moa Meat
Bauble Bubble
Found Heirloom
Waterlogged Note
Schematic: Emergency Waypoint
Postulate of Construction
Ice Elemental Core
Triple Trouble Tooth Piece
Fancy Furniture Coin
Destroyer Sample
Strange Rock
Fancy Urn
Diviner's Reach Supply Case
Fish Carcass
Ancient Sunspear Regalia
Primeval Tome
Sheet of Handmade Tengu Etching Paper
Charr Commendation
Saffron Condensed Ley-Line Essence
Skyscale Scales #1
A Hopeful Cure
Waters of Ntouka
Skyscale Lost—Spider King
Aetherblade Data
Bundle of Seeds
Matrix Cube Key
Matrix Cube Key
Matrix Cube Key
Matrix Cube Key
Wurm Egg
Slab of Wurm Meat
Griffon Claw
Harpy Roost Ticket
Rabsovich's Locker Key
Schematic: Minor Supply Drop
Schematic: Invulnerable Dolyaks
Schematic: Gate Turrets
Schematic: Centaur Banner
Schematic: Watchtower
Schematic: Armored Dolyaks
Schematic: Turtle Banner
Schematic: Cloaking Waters
Vault Transport
Mordremoth Mandible Piece
Chak Gerent Eye Piece
Live Crawdad
Piece of Evidence
Makeshift Lockpick
Krait Key
Dominion Commendation
Flame Legion Commendation
A Magic Quest
Further Studies
Rules of the Mists
Skyscale Lost—Fawcett's Bounty
Flying Lesson—Blazeridge Steppes
The Nature of Growth
Flying Lesson—The Silverwastes
Waters of Castavall
Sands of Prosperity
Skyscale Lost—Eastern Complex
Skyscale Scales #11
Courage in the Face of Oblivion
Skyscale Lost—Shattered Ice Ruins
Skyscale Lost — Glint's Legacy
Skyscale Egg #5
Skyscale Lost—Skimshallow Cove Spire
Skyscale #2
Oil-Soaked Roots
Dwarven Key
Matrix Cube Key
Matrix Cube Key
Matrix Cube Key
Matrix Cube Key
Cow Treat
Catapult Part
Firefly Luminescence
Lion's Arch Supply Container
Logging Tool
Divinity's Reach Supplies
Slab of Moa Meat
Piece of Scrap Metal
Shrinkcap Spore
Earth Elemental Core
Piece of Ettin Refuse
Harpy Nest Ticket
Inquest Golem Part
Risen Fish Oil Gland
Breeze Rider Essence
Encryption Crystal
Meat Hunk
Frozen Fish
Order Cryptotranslator
Beetle Remains
Solution: Finite Result
Printed Schematic
Schematic: Hardened Siege
Schematic: Airship Defense
Solution: Upper Bound
Schematic: Invulnerable Fortifications
Rolled Parchment
Schematic: Iron Guards
Flamethrower Material
Piece of Damaged Ship
Broken Shadowstone
Beetletun Statue Fragments
Mounted Dolyak Head
Lumpy Pearl
Brightwater Supply Crate
Crab Meat
Scarab Meat
Tasty Golden Carrot
Order of Shadows Seal
Makeshift Lever
Damaged Jokanur Diggings Shovel
Stonefist Key
Caravan Supply Crate
Misty Cape Scrap
Varietal Seed
Soul Binder
Pungent Gladiolus Flower
Fires of the Depths
Skyscale Scales #13
Flying Lesson—Mount Maelstrom
The Nature of Blood
Skyscale Egg #14
Commander of Life
Flying Lesson—Domain of Istan
Flying Lesson—Dragonfall
Taker of Blood
Winds of the Waste
Agile Journeyman
Skyscale Lost—Shadow Behemoth
Flying Lesson—The Desolation
Stealthy Apprentice
Skyscale Scales #17
A Sad Discovery
Skyscale Egg #20
Agile Apprentice
Skyscale #6
Skyscale Scales #15
Skyscale Scales #19
The Nature of Water
Skyscale Egg #1
Flying Lesson—Lornar's Pass
Skyscale Lost—Loyalist Warren
Ice of the Air
Skyscale Lost — Coddler's Cove
Fires of the Legion
Commander of Blood
Skyscale Scales #6
Piece of Purist Propaganda
Molten Iron Scrap
Watchwork Core
Dredge Tank Blueprints
Matrix Cube Key
Matrix Cube Key
Matrix Cube Key
Matrix Cube Key
Matrix Cube Key
Matrix Cube Key
Turret Parts
Block of Ice
Crackling Lodestone
Durmand Priory Supply Container
Griffon Feather
Harpy Gland
Elemental Lodestone
Data Core
Air Elemental Essence
Piece of Tattered Armor
Moorwatch Tower Ticket
Inquest Blueprints
Orrian Energy Source
Harpy Feather
Oily Skale Sac
Top Half of the Mistwrought Key
Map of Southsun Cove
Unhatched Swarm Egg
Guild Merit
Continue Coin
Piece of Scrap Metal
Schematic: Assault Roller
Schematic: Sabotage Depot
Schematic: Presence of the Keep
Schematic: Chilling Fog
Clump of Swamp Moss
Jungle Wurm Egg
Schematic: Dragon Banner
Solution: Unbound
Gigantic Ice Elemental Core
Schematic: Hardened Gates
Tequatl Tail Piece
Soot-Covered Ring
Circus Voucher
Bundle of Children's Toys
Portrait of Caudecus
Streets of Divinity's Reach
Portrait of Logan Thackeray
Oakheart's Essence
Play Script
Consortium Cargo Container
Shinies Bag
Yellow Sparaxis
Nomad Water Skin
Disgusting Grease
Pillaged Goods
Packet of Seeds
Icebrood Heart
Iron Legion Commendation
Blood Legion Commendation
Ash Legion Commendation
Champion Mark
Emerald Condensed Ley-Line Essence
Flying Lesson—Jahai Bluffs
Mysterious Armor
Skyscale Egg #4
Skyscale Lost—Displaced Tower
Courage in the Face of Lost Will
Flying Lesson—Straits of Devastation