Exalted Guide to Rust Prevention
Exalted Guide to Rust Prevention
Account Bound
Required to complete the following achievements:
Pristine Skree Harpy Feather
Essence of the Obscure
Bowl of Bloodstone Broth
Bandit Death Mark
Apprentice Kasandra's Diary
Journal of Dominion Military Orders
Grand Savant Valis the Learned's Research Journal
Caudecus's Correspondence (Incomplete)
Jade Cathedral Statuette
- Show 227 more similar items…
Scarlet's Lockbox Cypher
Berserker's Auric Sharpening Stone
Recovered Vigil Seal
Tale of Judgment
Rune of the Wind
Jade Gate Statuette
Jade Dragon Statuette
Visage of Balthazar
Ascalonian Lumber Core
Resilient Vigil Belt
Wrapped Gift
Watchknight Statue
Key to Noran's Secret Chest
Mostly-Digested Boots
Masticated Tasty Dried Eel
Energy Crystal
Completed Aetherkey
Tricolor Key
Plate of Meaty Plant Food
Key of Greater Nightmares
Waterproof Vigil Padding
Recovered Priory Seal
Festive Transom
Tempest's Auric Sharpening Stone
Scrapper's Auric Sharpening Stone
Dragonhunter's Auric Sharpening Stone
Golden Vigil Buckle
Pristine Feather
Itzel Combat Lesson
Daredevil's Auric Sharpening Stone
Alpine Lumber Core
Priory Backplate
Druid's Auric Sharpening Stone
Apprentice Kasandra's Diary (Incomplete)
Tale of Plenty
Elonian Red Trout
Completed Journal
Imported Blood Orange
Iron Legion Key
Masticated Tasty Dried Shark
Masticated Tasty Wyvern Wing
Masticated Tasty Bat Wing
Heat Stone Delivery
Norn Culinary Demonstration
Asuran Culinary Demonstration
Filet of Sous-Vide Meat
Asuran Culinary Demonstration
Plikk's Immersion Circulation System
Essence of the Obscure
Tournament Ticket (PvP)
Mystic Nexus
Feldspar Core
Chronomancer's Auric Sharpening Stone
Itzel Language Lesson
Dragonvine Vigil Strap
Golden Priory Buckle
Vigil Maintenance Oil
Airship Cargo Strap
Gold Backpack Frame
Chak-Shell Clasp
Tangled Depths Tiger Refuge Sign
Caged Orrian Chicken
Essence of Carnage
Section 2: Being an Agent of Kryta
Dollop of Choya Harissa
Tale of Loyalty
Tale of Courage
Pristine Awakened Emblem
Drizzlewood Coast History Book
Blood Legion Key
Used Bird Whistle
Used Grow Lamp
Cut of Quality Red Meat
Sylvari Culinary Demonstration
Spiritwood Plank Delivery
Human Culinary Demonstration
Custom Arena Starter Kit
Molten Cypher
Power Core
Clay Pot
Tarnished Key
Visage of Melandru
Auric Priory Buckle
Vigil Honing Crystal
Priory Honing Crystal
Auric Crown
Waterproof Priory Padding
Ascalonian Blueprint
Golden Whispers Buckle
Dragonvine Priory Strap
Auric Vigil Buckle
Visage of Lyssa
Coastal Lumber Core
Herald's Auric Sharpening Stone
Nuhoch Combat Lesson
Order of Whispers Honing Crystal
Essence of Discipline
Essence of Annihilation
Tattered Journal
Pristine Devourer Fang
Tale of Dignity
Missive for Ebele
Taimi's Hair Bow
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
Flame Legion Key
Masticated Tasty Dried Flower
Masticated Tasty Skale Fin
Masticated Tasty Skelk Liver
Empowered Heat Stones
Human Culinary Demonstration
Garden Plot Deed
Plikk's Food Form Manipulator
Sylvari Culinary Demonstration
Dragonite Ingot Delivery
Slab of Poultry Meat
Jade Empress Statuette
Ash Legion Covert Demolition Field Guide FM-29B
Mystic Frame
Toxic Cypher
Watchwork Cypher
Aetherblade Cypher
Token of the Dragon Ball Champion
Rolan's Master Key
Dragonvine Whispers Strap
Nuhoch Language Lesson
Nuhoch Guide to Waterproofing
Palm Lumber Core
Visage of Kormir
Lamp Finial
Visage of Grenth
Visage of Dwayna
Itzel Tracking Lesson
Priory Maintenance Oil
Essence of Success
Shiny Cog
Master Brewer's Keg
Dredgehaunt Lynx Refuge Sign
Justiciar Bauer's Memoirs
Souvenir Eir Statue
E's Correspondence
Powdered Rose Quartz
Rune of the Thorn
Rune of the Vine
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
Goro's Journal
Masticated Tasty Karka Leg
Plikk's Fluid Gas Infuser
Harvesting Lesson
Norn Culinary Demonstration
Human Culinary Demonstration
Asuran Culinary Demonstration
Charr Culinary Demonstration
Bloodstone Brick Oven
Ascended Cookware
Charr Culinary Demonstration
Butchery Lesson
Charr Culinary Demonstration
Plate of Piquant Plant Food
Cup of Bloodstone Soup
Waterproof Whispers Padding
Reaper's Auric Sharpening Stone
Order of Whispers Backplate
Pruning Shear
Nuhoch Tracking Lesson
Gift of Hidden Descent
Arid Lumber Core
Itzel Guide to Waterproofing
Krytan Lumber Core
Auric Viewer
Auric Whispers Buckle
Recovered Order of Whispers Seal
Hunter's Bane
Model Zephyr Sanctum
Essence of Strategy
Essence of Animosity
Choya Piece
Rune of the Earth
Rune of the Seed
Tengu Cultural Relic
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
Shard of Crystallized Blood of Jormag
Ash Legion Key
Masticated Tasty Minotaur Flank
Masticated Tasty Dried Carapace
Used Hardy Ball
Norn Culinary Demonstration
Charr Meat-Curing Techniques
Varietal Herb Seeds
Empty Vial
Auric Sliver
Giant Mushroom Spore
Rare Flower Seed
Order of Whispers Maintenance Oil
Azure Denaturizing Agent
Vigil Backplate
Model Asura Gates
Small Charr Car
Sylvari Potted Plant
Letter from Drojkor
Masticated Tasty Dried Cat's Paw
Masticated Tasty Spider Leg
Masticated Tasty Dried Hoof
Deldrimor Steel Ingot Delivery
Bloodstone Brick Delivery
Ash Legion Covert Demolition Field Guide FM-29B
Dragon's Jade Claim Ticket
Chalice of Bloodstone Chili
Jungle Grass Seed
Mad King's Chest Key
Bloodbound Adjuster
Essence of Challenge
Essence of Determination
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
Used Heavy-Duty Dolyak Blanket
Masticated Tasty Dried Bark
Sylvari Culinary Demonstration
Dwarven Journal
Portable Composter
Mysterious Tablet
Weaponmaster Training Document
Shattered Kryptis Carapace
Ancient Scroll
Ancient Tome