Ancient Surveyor's Tools
Ancient Surveyor's Tools
RareGizmo (Default)
Double-click to turn 10 Ancient Surveyor's Tools into an Imperial Cadastral Suite.
Account BoundNot sellable
Shining Blade Bounty Notice: Vic the Iron
Rare Kryptis Motivation
Bitterfrost Vantage Point
Lily of the Elon Pass
Evon Gnashblade Representation Button
Noble's Folly Pass
Desert King Throne
Return the Jade Empress statuette to its keeper.
Frying Pan
- Show 164 more similar items…
Shining Blade Bounty Notice: Ruye the Crimson
Dwayna's Throne
Return the Jade Gate Statuette to its keeper.
Endless Silk Brocade Clothing Tonic
Endless Country Lace Clothing Tonic
Black Lion Commemorative Sprocket
Street Noodles Chair
Endless Casual Clothing Tonic
Zephyr Sanctum Model
Endless Black Quaggan Tonic
Shining Blade Bounty Notice: Ulssen the Anvil
Endless Shadow Raven Tonic
Champion's Rest Pass (2 weeks)
Wandering Cloud Chair
Seize the Awkward Potion
Endless Khaki Clothing Tonic
Scarlet Briar's Journal
Endless Jade Construct Tonic
Endless Miniature Tonic
Black Lion Statuette
Musical Verdarach
Dark Wing Throne
Zhaitaffy Gobbler
Rare Black Lion Dye Canister—Blue
Throne of Shadows
Return the Jade Dragon Statuette to its keeper.
Musical Bass Guitar
Endless Striped Silk Clothing Tonic
Captain's Airship Pass
Skritt's Special Shiny-Cleaning Rag
Black Lion Miniature Claim Ticket
Shining Blade Bounty Notice: Lenner the Eagle-Eyed
Portable Magnetite Shard Exchange
Late-Blooming Elon Lily
Night Watch Stool
Inquest Overseer Chair
Candy Cane Chair
Endless Cloudseeker Tonic
Great Lodge Chair
Legionnaire's Chair
Bough of the Grove Chair
Club Chair
Qi Focusing Chair
Comfy Cat Chair
Brewery Chair
Return the Jade Cathedral Statuette to its keeper.
Endless Designer Hoodie Clothing Tonic
Endless Casual Hoodie Clothing Tonic
Endless Plush Griffon Tonic
Royal Terrace Pass
Bloody Prince's Staff Toy
Fractal Research Page
Shining Blade Bounty Notice: Flyrra the Remorseless
Shining Blade Bounty Notice: Zirh the Venomous
Shining Blade Bounty Notice: Temvay the Arrogant
Shining Blade Bounty Notice: Varre the Underhanded
Endless Kodan Tonic
Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey
Endless Olmakhan Tonic
Rare Black Lion Dye Canister—Yellow
Jackal Chair
Rare Black Lion Dye Canister—Red
Victory Rock
Endless Shadow Warrior Tonic
Super Adventure Box Chair
Tranquil Moon Chair
Endless Leather Hoodie Clothing Tonic
Endless Cherry Blossom Clothing Tonic
Endless Ornate Clothing Tonic
Endless Toy Golem Tonic
Musical Harp
World 1 Super Boom Box
Enchanted Broom
Executioner Axe Toy
Musical Lute
Endless Arid Devourer Tonic
Nuhoch Warbler
Encoded Orders
Endless Gargoyle Tonic
Endless Hellfire Skeleton Tonic
Duskk's World 1 Super Boom Box
Endless Chaos Combat Tonic
Endless Fury Combat Tonic
Endless Awakened Archer Tonic
Musical Minstrel
Endless Skyscale Youngling Tonic
Teatime Chair
Jade Tech Chair
Quiet Woods Chair
Endless Toy Ventari Tonic
Box of Chocolates
Flames of Kryta
Endless Blue Quaggan Tonic
Endless Pink Quaggan Tonic
Fancy Winter Crystal Scepter
Karmic Converter
Mordrem Toxin Gland
Unidentified Lodestone
Endless Anomaly Fragment
Noran's Safe Room Pass
Duskk's World 2 Super Boom Box
Champion's Rest Pass (2 weeks)
Bunch of Rare Grapes
Chunk of Granite
Emblazoned Dragon Throne
Festive Harvest Chair
Endless Potion of Ascalonian Mages
Mystic Lotus Chair
Snowflake Gobbler
Endless Smoke Shaman Tonic
Skyscale Chair
Diamond Throne
Comfortable Reading Chair
Endless Layered Vest Clothing Tonic
Endless Princess Doll Tonic
Marriner's Horn
Hot Air Balloon Souvenir
Pirate Sword
Thoughtless Potion
Mysterious Seed
Endless Dust Mite Tonic
Shining Blade Bounty Notice: Ezal the Quick
Endless Embiggening Tonic
Tamarisk Reed
Volcanic Throne
Vermilion Throne
Glacial Chair
Rare Black Lion Dye Canister—Green
Feisty Feline Tonic
Armistice Bastion Pass
Personal Gyrocopter Chair
Endless Riding Clothes Tonic
Endless Toy Soldier Tonic
World 2 Super Boom Box
Scepter of Thorn
Selfless Potion
Ley-Energy Matter Converter
Endless Ley-Line Anomaly Tonic
Lava Lounge Pass
Pirate Captain's Chair
Thousand Seas Pavilion Pass
Musical Frame Drum
Ellen Kiel Representation Button
Home Portal Stone
Birthday Blaster
Candy Corn Gobbler
Extremely Dirty Cog
Crimson Assassin Token
Ley-Infused Sand
Portable Gaeting Crystal Exchange
Meandering Tortoise Chair
Restful Hammock Chair
Gentle Garden Swing Chair
Endless Green Quaggan Tonic
Shining Blade Bounty Notice: Aerl the Silent
Black Lion Claim Ticket
Unidentified Lodestone
Tassi's Relay Golem
Imperial Cadastral Suite
Dove Lover's Bench Chair
Peaceful Shrine Chair
Cat Tree Chair