Zaishen Relic
Zaishen Relic
FineConsumable (Service)
Grants a tiny amount of karma.
These were unseen for a generation, but lately the warrior-monks of Balthazar have been placing these to signify their return.
Not salvageable
Not sellable
Statue of Joko Smiting Abaddon
Unbound Magic
Sample Ability Reset Guide
Tattered Scroll
Donation Receipt
Volatile Magic
Pristine Kurzick Relic
Magic Find Booster
Experience Booster
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Zaishen Relic
Small Kormir Icon
Research Paper
Killstreak Experience Booster
Kournan Coin
Volatile Magic
Sample Ability Reset Guide
Volatile Magic
Tapestry Shred
Gathering Booster
Sand Shark Lure
Supply Package
Proof of Heroics
Wise Words of Joko