Karmic Retribution
Karmic Retribution
ExoticConsumable (Service)
Permanently gain bonus karma while killing foes in Dragonfall. Stacks up to three times.
Palawa Joko's Staff Head
Eitrite Chain Links
Chest of the Visionary Echoes
Domain of Kourna Empowerment
Lubinella Cadentis Silk
Koda's Reach
Draconis Mons Empowerment
Agony Impedance 1
Nakis's Bracelet
- Show 241 more similar items…
Chasing Tales: Durio the Contemptuous (Pistol)
Extra-Sticky Tar
Heavy Tome of Knowledge
Bloodstone Empowerment
Unstable Magic Volley
Karmic Retribution
Dwarven Axe Shaft
Dwarven Axe Head
Fractal Empowerment 4
Agony Impedance 3
Envelope of 10 League Tickets
Zohaqan's Letter
Calcified Megalodon Fin
Plagued Struts
Palawa Joko's Staff Ornament
Sun's Refuge Rumor
Chasing Tales: Mosa the Majestic (Short Bow)
Vial of Unfreezing Leather Oil
A Touch of Aurene's Magic
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Verdant Brink: Hero's Choice Chest
Dogfight or Flight
Unbound Magic
Dwarven Hammer Pommel
Dwarven Dagger Crossguard
Dwarven Staff Shaft
Dwarven Shield Back
Dwarven Axe Grip
Enchanted Colorful Snowball (Blue)
Enchanted Colorful Snowball (Black)
Sandswept Empowerment
Junundu Ichor
Steam Power Coupling
Flask of Churning Liquid
Unlabeled Bottle of Bubbling Liquid
Chasing Tales: Bloodthirst
Chasing Tales: Cruelest Efficiency
Chasing Tales: Warrior Poet
Chasing Tales: Deadeye
Chasing Tales: Wossaul the Giant (Shield)
Chasing Tales: The Old Ways
Chasing Tales: Katarin the Bonecrusher (Hammer)
Chasing Tales: Mouglon the Watchful (Mace)
Chasing Tales: Direct Approach
Deldrimor Rivets
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Auric Basin: Hero's Choice Chest
Dragon's Stand: Hero's Choice Chest
Dwarven Dagger Blade
Dwarven Hammer Shaft
Istani Empowerment
Agony Impedance 2
Mist Attunement 1
Agony Impedance 4
Mist Attunement 3
Fractal Empowerment 1
Enchanted Colorful Snowball (Yellow)
Enchanted Colorful Snowball (Red)
Enchanted Colorful Snowball (Purple)
Seneb the Desecrated's Locket
"Hope for Tomorrow"
Lightning in a Bottle
210 Proof Rotgut
Frigid Wurm Goo
Palawa Joko's Staff Shaft
Jahai Bluffs Empowerment
Chasing Tales: Savage Shield
Chasing Tales: Elegos the Harmless (Staff)
Chasing Tales: Storm of Feathers
Chasing Tales: Death by a Thousand Cuts
Chasing Tales: Cry Havoc
Chasing Tales: Shooting Star
Chasing Tales: Master of the Duel
Chasing Tales: Fracture
Chasing Tales: Will to Power
Chasing Tales: Dinner Party
Chasing Tales: Belitrea the Blade of Want (Dagger)
Chasing Tales: Hobbler
Chasing Tales: Feed the Pyre
Chasing Tales: Call to Action
Chasing Tales: Shattering Storm
Chasing Tales: Preemptive Strike
Chasing Tales: Like a Wounded Beast
Chasing Tales: Baverne the Hunter (Rifle)
Draconic Aether Cleanser
Prismaticite Clasp
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
A Touch of Aurene's Magic
A Touch of Aurene's Magic
Karmic Empowerment
Message from Researcher Yarixx
Elonian Sandpaper
Mist-Infused Saddle Oil
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Tangled Depths: Hero's Choice Chest
Pacified Magical Storm
Koda's Rebirth
Karmic Retribution
Dwarven Staff Rune
Dwarven Hammer Rune
Dwarven Hammer Head
Dwarven Dagger Grip
Dwarven Dagger Pommel
Dwarven Shield Boss
Mist Attunement 4
Karmic Retribution
Fractal Empowerment 2
Fractal Empowerment 3
Karmic Retribution 4
Karmic Retribution 2
Karmic Retribution 3
Karmic Retribution
Enchanted Colorful Snowball (Brown)
Starcaller's Aetheric Gland
Bottle of Dark Smoke
Mk II Power Inverter
Karmic Retribution
Palawa Joko's Staff Pommel
Jahai Bluffs Empowerment
Chasing Tales: Ravenous
Chasing Tales: Azra the Sunslayer (Longbow)
Chasing Tales: Immovable Object
Chasing Tales: Feed the Beast
Chasing Tales: Bladed Justice
Chasing Tales: Carver the Carver (Sword)
Chasing Tales: Anatomy and Physiology
Chasing Tales: Reality Bender
Chasing Tales: Torrent of Magic
Chasing Tales: Haliver the Seeker (Torch)
Chasing Tales: Crush Them
Chasing Tales: Critical Instinct
Chasing Tales: Locus of Power
Chasing Tales: Rallying Cry
Chasing Tales: Mirren the Manipulator (Scepter)
Chasing Tales: Gutshot
Karmic Retribution
Chasing Tales: Purging Flame
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
A Touch of Aurene's Magic
The Desolation: Hero's Choice Chest
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Ride the Ley Line
Koda's Breath
Dwarven Shield Half Set of Spikes
Dwarven Shield Half Set of Spikes
Dwarven Axe Poll
Dwarven Staff Pommel
Dwarven Axe Pommel
Dwarven Staff Head
Karmic Retribution
Karmic Retribution 1
Enchanted Colorful Snowball (Green)
Enchanted Colorful Snowball (Orange)
"Shadow and Sun"
Karmic Retribution
Completely Legal Performance-Enhancing Serum
Untested Speed Serum
Desert Luciferin
Inquest Beetle Notes
"Dragon" Protein
Shadow Creator's Seal
Palawa Joko's Staff Binding
Karmic Retribution
Karmic Retribution
Chasing Tales: Asaliea the Channeler (Focus)
Chasing Tales: Azra the Sunslayer
Chasing Tales: Thundering Blow
Chasing Tales: Tools of the Trade
Chasing Tales: Deadly Accuracy
Chasing Tales: Harkon Hakson the Maelstrom (Axe)
Chasing Tales: A Light in the Dark
Chasing Tales: Wanderer's Way
Chasing Tales: Storm's Eye
Chasing Tales: Elusive Skirmisher
Chasing Tales: Codd the Cheerful (Warhorn)
Chasing Tales: Kobbel the Poetic (Greatsword)
Chasing Tales: Unscarred
Chasing Tales: Tried and True
Chasing Tales: Enduring Hatred
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
Salvage Empowerment
A Touch of Aurene's Magic
Dragonfall Empowerment
Corsair Sailcloth
Olmakhan Leather
Mastery Point
Karmic Retribution
Mist Attunement 2
Chasing Tales: Man-at-Arms
Chasing Tales: Peerless Archer
Thunderhead Peaks Empowerment
Chasing Tales: Outlaw
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
Order from Bangar Ruinbringer
Mystic Insight
Karmic Retribution
Full Recovery
Anomaly Spark
Inquest Power Schematics
Completed Saddle
Dinner's Ready
Saddle Up
Plague Scarab Egg
Hearty Beetle Slime
Toxic Spider Yolk
Live Plague Scarab
Gilded Shadhavar Horn
Kaineng City Fishing License
Crystal Desert Isles Fishing License