Diviner's Mist Shard Pauldrons
Diviner's Mist Shard Pauldrons
Defense: 121- +38
- Power
- +21
- Precision
- +21
- Ferocity
- +38%
- Boon Duration
Unused Upgrade Slot
Unlocks skin: Mist Shard PauldronsExotic
Armor (Shoulders)
Required Level: 80
Account Bound
Soulbound on use
Crafted from
Triumphant Pauldrons
Warlord's Pauldrons
Triumphant Hero's Pauldrons
Glorious Pauldrons
Soldier's Tempered Scale Pauldrons of the Revenant
Soldier's Tempered Scale Pauldrons of the Warrior
Soldier's Tempered Scale Pauldrons of the Guardian
Celestial Tempered Scale Pauldrons of the Guardian
Soldier's Tempered Scale Pauldrons of the Warrior
Draconic Pauldrons of the Dolyak
Celestial Tempered Scale Pauldrons of the Warrior
Celestial Tempered Scale Pauldrons of the Revenant
Heavy Scale Shoulderguards
Cleric's Tempered Scale Pauldrons of the Guardian
Rabid Tempered Scale Pauldrons of the Revenant
Celestial Mistward Pauldrons of the Dolyak
Elonian Pauldrons