MasterworkContainer (Standard)
Double-click to convert to materials.
Account BoundNot sellable
Required to complete the following achievements:
Crimson Lion Dye Kit
Taimi's Dye Kit
Mad King Dye Kit
Knowledge Fish
Box of Cleric's Barbaric Armor
Box of Apothecary's Barbaric Armor
Metallurgic Dye Kit
Elonian Beasts Dye Kit
Norn Dye Kit
- Show 72 more similar items…
Lion's Arch Survivors Dye Kit
Redtail Catfish
White Bass
Maguuma Trout
Emerald Snapper
Box of Carrion Barbaric Armor
Satchel of Apothecary's Feathered Armor
Flame Dye Kit
Bag of Masterwork Gear
Diamond Trevally
Striped Bass
Sandy Bag of Gear
Heavy Thorned Bag
Recovered SCAR Chest
Shadow Dye Kit
Sand Carp
Bag of Creepy-Crawlies
Cherry Salmon
Boreal Cod
Jade Lamprey
Northern Pike
Box of Berserker's Barbaric Armor
Box of Valkyrie Barbaric Armor
Frost Dye Kit
Toxic Dye Kit
Recovered Priory Expedition Chest
Awakened Dye Kit
Zhaitan Dye Kit
Jormag Dye Kit
Mordremoth Dye Kit
Sacred Dye Kit
Crimson Snapper
Red-Eyed Piranha
Dhuum Fish
Green Sawfish
Box of Rampager's Barbaric Armor
Box of Assassin's Barbaric Armor
Bag of Masterwork Gear
Glint's Winter Dye Kit
Lion's Arch Commemorative Dye Kit
Recovered Pale Reaver Chest
Winter Chimes Dye Kit
Primordus Dye Kit
Solar and Lunar Dye Kit
Vibrant Dye Kit
Elonian Landscape Dye Kit
Lion's Arch Rebuild Dye Kit
Charr Dye Kit
Steelhead Trout
Swampblight Lamprey
Box of Knight's Barbaric Armor
Deathly Dye Kit
Blue Shift Dye Kit
Striped Barracuda
Garnet Ram
Black Crappie
Rock Bass
Kralkatorrik Dye Kit
Bullhead Catfish
Lost Bait Cage
Bloodstone Dye Pack
Primal Maguuma Trout
Buried Angst