Guide to Petrified Plant Life
Guide to Petrified Plant Life
ExoticConsumable (Service)
Required Level: 80
Soulbound on Acquire
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Required to complete the following achievements:
Purified Risen Aether
Threat Assessment Manual
Jade Sphere Maintenance Manual
Specter's Feat
Harbinger's Cookbook
Vindicator's Authorization Papers
Notes on Celestial Spheres
Vindicator's Stamp
Shadow Magic Conversion Guide
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Mechanist's Authorization Papers
Lingering Mordrem Aether
Harbinger's Authorization Papers
Notes on Building Flow
Harbinger's Feat
Lingering Branded Aether
Mechanist's Feat
Notes on Dual Identities
Lingering Destroyer Aether
Guide to Kurzick Combat Stances
Historical Weapon Diagram: Dagger
Lingering Destroyer Aether
Virtuoso's Authorization Papers
Virtuoso's Stamp
Notes on Shadow Magic
Willbender's Feat
Notes on Wildlife Corruption
Lingering Risen Aether
Catalyst's Authorization Papers
Untamed's Authorization Papers
Catalyst's Feat
Speed-Loading Manual
Willbender's Stamp
Specter's Authorization Papers
Knife-Throwing Manual
Untamed's Feat
Notes on Blight
Lingering Icebrood Aether
Mechanist's Safety Manual
Mechanist's Stamp
Historical Weapon Diagram: Sword
Divine Biomes
Priory Sorrows Embrace History
Manuscript of 'Halfway There and...'
Specter's Stamp
Willbender's Authorization Papers
Bladesworn's Authorization Papers
Untamed's Stamp
Notes on Legend Channeling
Vindicator's Feat
Purified Destroyer Aether
Purified Void Aether
Intercepted Inquest Calculations
Godswalk Enchiridion
Manuscript of 'This Book Is False'
Archaic Dusty Grimoire
Notes on Jade Tech
Bladesworn's Feat
Notes on Martial Prowess
Catalyst's Stamp
Bladesworn's Stamp
Harbinger's Stamp
Purified Mordrem Aether
Ascalon Tome
Priory Sorrow's Embrace History
Virtuoso's Feat
Lingering Void Aether
Historical Weapon Diagram: Staff
Historical Weapon Diagram: Axe
Lingering Mordrem Aether
Manuscript of 'Proposal for a 1:1 Scale Map of Tyria'
Historical Weapon Diagram: Longbow