Keeper's Cloth Breather
Keeper's Cloth Breather
Defense: 77- +63
- Power
- +45
- Precision
- +45
- Healing Power
Unused Upgrade Slot
- Unused Infusion Slot
Armor (Breathing apparatus)
Required Level: 80
Crafted in the style of the Forgotten Keeper of Armor.
Account Bound240
Crafted from
Crafted from unknown recipe [&CZUpAAA=].

Metal Aquabreather
Stygian Water Breather
Cloth Oxbow Aquabreather
Hronk's Cloth Breather
Metal Aquabreather
Cloth Aquabreather
Heavy Aquabreather
Cistern Aquabreather
Cistern Waterbreather
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Gavbeorn Breather
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Kohlopoi Aquabreather
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Aqua Breather
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Gobrech's Metal Breather
Morbach's Metal Breather
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Tateos's Leather Breather
Zintl Cloth Breather
Leftpaw's Metal Breather
Beigarth's Metal Breather
Wei Qi's Metal Breather
Beigarth's Cloth Breather
Ahamid's Metal Breather
Hronk's Metal Breather
Angchu Cloth Breather
Tateos's Cloth Breather
Occam's Metal Breather
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Forgemaster's Cloth Breather
Veldrunner Metal Breather
Ventari's Metal Breather
Ventari's Leather Breather
Saphir's Leather Breather
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Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
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Tizlak's Cloth Breather
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Metal Aquabreather of the Dolyak
Cloth Aquabreather of the Dolyak
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Air-Filtration Device of Antitoxin
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Ossa's Leather Breather
Yassith's Leather Breather
Tizlak's Leather Breather
Pahua's Leather Breather
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Thackeray's Leather Breather
Thackeray's Metal Breather
Maklain's Metal Breather
Ruka's Leather Breather
Laranthir's Cloth Breather
Ruka's Metal Breather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Metal Aquabreather
Air-Filtration Device of Antitoxin
Air-Filtration Device of Antitoxin
Keeper's Metal Breather