Research Note
Research Note
Consumable (Service)Double-click to add 1 research note to your wallet.
Account BoundNot salvageable
Tiny Bag of Airship Parts
Adventure Experience Award: Volume Three
Adventure Experience Award: Volume Four
The Music of the Grove
The Anthem of Celebration
The Anthem of Soldiers
Tome of Tyrian Mastery
Unbound Magic
The Anthem of Superior Adventures
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Garden Raspberry Seed
Naturalist's Crest
Sunless Medallion
Queensdale Service Ribbon
Golemneer's Certification
Shivering Ice
Festival Token
Map Fragment
Huge Donation Receipt (Value: 250)
A Growing Child
Crystallographer Smoxxi's Thoughts
Destiny's Pledge
Tips on Fishing
Old Fishing Rod
Adventure Experience Award: Volume Five
Guild Heroes Banner
Koda's Hammer
Tiny Bag of Spirit Shards
Note of Favor (10,000 Influence)
Note of Favor (100,000 Influence)
The Pure Sound of Nature
The Anthem of Doom
The Music of Divinity's Reach
The Anthem of Jubilance
The Anthem of Dreams
The Anthem of Triumph
Unbound Magic Gatherer
The Music of Super Adventure Box
Instant Reward Track Progress
Skyclad Mushroom
Extraction Beam
Garden Garlic Seed
Garden Spinach Seed
Garden Saffron Seed
Garden Clove Seed
Cannoneer's Distinction
Mark of Glorious Victory
Attack on the Sunspears
Black Sails at Dawn
Haunted Ruins
Veins of the Dragon
On the Banks of the Elon
Wintersday in Lion's Arch
Tyrian Defense Seal
Tyrian Defense Seal
Major Blessing of Otter
Snowflake Gobbler's Blessing
Large Donation Receipt (Value: 100)
Medium Donation Receipt (Value: 25)
Skyscale Saddle
Gravewort Paste
Skyscale of Spirit
Skyscale Flight
Tincture of Volatile Magic
Skyscale of Ice
Skyscale of Blood
Skyscale of Fear
Skyscale of Fire
A Capable Skyscale
A Lesson in Flying
Redeployment Order
The Ebonlocke Covenant
The Passions of Faren
Recruitment Notes: Vishen Steelshot
Crystallographer Smoxxi's Thoughts
Crystallographer Smoxxi's Thoughts
Crystallographer Smoxxi's Thoughts
Crystallographer Smoxxi's Thoughts
Svan Song
Research Notebook
Tips on Skiff Use
Brotherhood Propaganda
Speakers Propaganda
Imperial Favor
Heart of Jade
Community Service Tips
Adventure Experience Award: Volume One
Spirit Shard
The Anthem of Homecoming
Aetherium Production Boost (100,000 Influence)
The Music of Hoelbrak
Bag of Airship Parts
Aetherium Production Boost (10,000 Influence)
Aetherium Production Boost (1,000 Influence)
Bag of Aurillium
Small Bag of Airship Parts
The Music of the Golden Chambers
The Music of the Barren Heights
The Anthem of Determination
Bag of Ley-Line Crystals
The Music of Rata Sum
Airship Part
The Anthem of Victory
The Music of the Black Citadel
Aetherium Production Boost (100 Influence)
The Anthem of Honor
Writ of Tyrian Mastery
The Anthem of Grandeur
The Anthem of Dread
The Anthem of Whimsy
The Anthem of the Fallen
The Anthem of Adventure
Ancient Mursaat Relic
Unbound Magic Gatherer
Druid Runestone Fragment
Technomagical Detector
Druid Runestone Fragment
Druid Runestone Fragment
Druid Runestone Fragment
Druid Runestone Fragment
Knuckle Salve
Impact Site Marker
Astral Water
Reconfigure Multitool
Powderkeg Shrapnel
Dried Wheat
Blackout Powder
Fine Aged Liquor
Garden Artichoke Seed
Garden Potato Eye
Garden Tarragon Seed
Garden Blackberry Seed
Garden Cayenne Pepper Seed
Garden Grape Seed
Garden Sugar Pumpkin Seed
Garden Lemongrass Seed
Garden Cactus Seed
Garden Parsnip Seed
Garden Kale Seed
Garden Leek Seed
Garden Passion Fruit Seed
Garden Strawberry Seed
Garden Butternut Squash Seed
Mount Maelstrom Silver Heart
Mark of Eternal Radiance
Caravaner's Recognition
Mark of Zephyrs
Cannoneer's Service Mark
Frostgorge Sound Star of Valor
Mark of Verdance
Caledon Forest Combat Distinction
Defender's Mark
Mark of Silence
Blazeridge Steppes Service Cross
Inventor's Merit
Cannoneer's Ribbon
Metrica Province Defense Commendation
Slayers Medallion
The Olmakhan
Land of the Golden Sun
Proof of a Kill
Sands of Time
The Garrison
Welcome to the Desert
Proof of a Kill
Hope and Sacrifice
Tomb of the Primeval Kings
The Five True Gods
High Roller
Pricklepatch Hollow
Invasion of Vabbi
Proof of a Kill
Taimi's Reunion
Clash on the Sandswept Isles
Pact Excavation Contract
Sands of the Djinn
Proof of a Kill
Proof of a Kill
Guardian Sunspears
A New Journey
Resplendent Makuun
Fortress of Jahai
Forsaken Nobility
The Inquest
Blish's Determination
Kournan Caravan
The Opulence of Vabbi
TT6-B Devourer
The Icebrood Saga
The Lunatic Court
Edge of the Mists
Forging Steel
Jormag Speaks
Across the Sea of Sorrow
Steel Tactics
Full Collection
Forming a New Legion
Sealed Letter
Minor Blessing of Otter
Zhaitaffy Gobbler's Blessing
Mastery Point
Mastery Point
Map Fragment
Mastery Point
War Supplies
Map Fragment
Mastery Point
Map Fragment
Raise Morale
Prototype Harmonizing Mist Loom
Mastery Point
Small Donation Receipt (Value: 10)
Tiny Donation Receipt (Value: 1)
Skyscale Reflexes
Skyscale Eggs
Activated-Charcoal Paste
Skyscale Scales
Skyscale of Life
Skyscale Toys
Skyscale of Death
Skyscale of Water
Skyscale of Growth
Skyscale Care
Skyscale of Earth
Skyscale Fever
Skyscale Stealth
Mashed Echinacea
Stabilized Brandstorm Flux
Skyscale Lost
Skyscale Medicine
Skyscale of Air
Skyscale Treats
Skyscale of Courage
A Fearful Message
A New Life
A Skyscale's Choice
A Homecoming
A New Parent
Koss on Koss: Unauthorized and Uncensored
Love Is Blind
Charred Slip of Paper
Broken Rod
Frayed Braid of Charr Fur
Mist Connections