Primal Rage

Primal Rage

Gain access to berserk mode and primal bursts.


Burst. Gain adrenaline, an attack-speed boost, and access to primal burst skills.
Recharge: 15s
Number of Targets: 5
Burning (3s):
Deals damage every second; stacks intensity.
Attack Speed Increase: 15%
Duration: 15s
Adrenaline: 10
Radius: 300

(Only if Burst Mastery is selected; Replaces fact 3)
3× Berserker's Power (15s):
7% increased strike damage per stack.
(Only if Berserker's Power is selected)
Conditions Removed: 3
(Only if Cleansing Ire is selected)
Duration: 20s
(Only if Smash Brawler is selected; Replaces fact 6)


Primal Burst. Gather your strength into a powerful attack. If it hits, gain might and recharge this skill.
Range: 300
Recharge: 5s
5× Might (5s):
Increased outgoing damage; stacks intensity.
Recharge Reduced: 100%

(Only if Burst Mastery is selected; Replaces fact 3)
Conditions Removed: 3
(Only if Cleansing Ire is selected)
Berserker's Power (15s):
7% increased strike damage per stack.
(Only if Berserker's Power is selected)

Arc Divider

Primal Burst. Spin to create shock waves that grow in size to damage nearby foes.
Range: 450
Recharge: 5s
Number of Targets: 5
First Strike Radius: 240
Second Strike Radius: 360
Third Strike Radius: 480

(Only if Burst Mastery is selected; Replaces fact 3)
(Only if Burst Mastery is selected; Replaces fact 4)
Conditions Removed: 3
(Only if Cleansing Ire is selected)
Berserker's Power (15s):
7% increased strike damage per stack.
(Only if Berserker's Power is selected)

Rupturing Smash

Primal Burst. Jump to the targeted location and slam your hammer down, creating a deadly chain of earthen shock waves that immobilize and daze foes.
Range: 600
Recharge: 5s
Radius: 360
Immobile (2s):
Unable to move; stacks duration.
Daze: 1s
Combo Finisher: Blast (100%)

(Only if Burst Mastery is selected; Replaces fact 3)
Conditions Removed: 3
(Only if Cleansing Ire is selected)
Shock Waves: 5
(Only if Insidious Disruption is selected)
Berserker's Power (15s):
7% increased strike damage per stack.
(Only if Berserker's Power is selected)

Burning Shackles

Primal Burst. Fire a fast, forceful shot that immobilizes and burns foes.
Range: 1200
Recharge: 5s
Burning (10s):
Deals damage every second; stacks intensity.
Immobile (2s):
Unable to move; stacks duration.
Combo Finisher: Projectile (100%)

(Only if Burst Mastery is selected; Replaces fact 3)
Conditions Removed: 3
(Only if Cleansing Ire is selected)
(Only if Crack Shot is selected)
Berserker's Power (15s):
7% increased strike damage per stack.
(Only if Berserker's Power is selected)

Scorched Earth

Primal Burst. Fire a burning shot into the ground that creates a trail of flaming destruction.
Range: 1200
Recharge: 5s
3× Burning (4s):
Deals damage every second; stacks intensity.
Duration: 4s
Radius: 120
Number of Targets: 5
Combo Field: Fire

(Only if Burst Mastery is selected; Replaces fact 3)
Conditions Removed: 3
(Only if Cleansing Ire is selected)
Berserker's Power (15s):
7% increased strike damage per stack.
(Only if Berserker's Power is selected)

Skull Grinder

Primal Burst. Unleash a powerful skull strike that dazes your target and inflicts multiple conditions.
Range: 300
Recharge: 5s
Daze: 1s
Blinded (5s):
Next outgoing attack misses; stacks duration.
4× Bleeding (8s):
Deals damage every second; stacks intensity.
3× Bleeding (8s):
Deals damage every second; stacks intensity.
5× Confusion (3s):
Damage received on skill activation; stacks intensity.
4× Confusion (4s):
Damage received on skill activation; stacks intensity.
Crippled (8s):
Movement speed decreased by 50%; stacks duration.
Crippled (5s):
Movement speed decreased by 50%; stacks duration.

(Only if Burst Mastery is selected; Replaces fact 3)
(Only if Burst Mastery is selected; Replaces fact 4)
Conditions Removed: 3
(Only if Cleansing Ire is selected)
Berserker's Power (15s):
7% increased strike damage per stack.
(Only if Berserker's Power is selected)

Gun Flame

Primal Burst. Fire a fast, flaming shot that explodes on the first foe it hits, interrupting foes in the area.
Range: 1500
Recharge: 5s
Burning (10s):
Deals damage every second; stacks intensity.
Velocity Increase: 100%
Number of Targets: 3
Radius: 180
Daze: 0s
Combo Finisher: Projectile (100%)

(Only if Burst Mastery is selected; Replaces fact 3)
Conditions Removed: 3
(Only if Cleansing Ire is selected)
(Only if Crack Shot is selected)
Berserker's Power (15s):
7% increased strike damage per stack.
(Only if Berserker's Power is selected)

Wild Whirl

Primal Burst. Strike all foes around you, burning and pulling them in.
Range: 150
Recharge: 5s
Number of Targets: 5
Burning (6s):
Deals damage every second; stacks intensity.
Pull: 300
Radius: 600
Combo Finisher: Whirl (100%)

(Only if Burst Mastery is selected; Replaces fact 3)
Conditions Removed: 3
(Only if Cleansing Ire is selected)
Berserker's Power (15s):
7% increased strike damage per stack.
(Only if Berserker's Power is selected)

Flaming Flurry

Primal Burst. Lash out with a flurry of strikes that block missiles and shoot fireballs at foes in front of you.
Range: 900
Recharge: 5s
8× Burning (2s):
Deals damage every second; stacks intensity.
Number of Targets: 5
Blocks Missiles

(Only if Burst Mastery is selected; Replaces fact 3)
Conditions Removed: 3
(Only if Cleansing Ire is selected)
Berserker's Power (15s):
7% increased strike damage per stack.
(Only if Berserker's Power is selected)