"I call it delegation." —Spearmarshal Zaeim

Objectives (15)

Place all of Zaeim's recruitment posters around Tyria.

  • Spoke to Zaeim and accepted his request.
  • Reclaimed Chantry, Jahai Bluffs
  • Pact Vanguard, Jahai Bluffs
  • Yatendi, Jahai Bluffs
  • Confluence of the Elements, Jahai Bluffs
  • Almorra's Stand, Jahai Bluffs
  • Amnoon, Crystal Oasis
  • Makali Outpost, Desert Highlands
  • First Camp, Elon Riverlands
  • Village of Purity, The Desolation
  • Vehtendi Academy, Domain of Vabbi
  • Fort Marriner, Lion's Arch
  • Ebonhawke, Fields of Ruin
  • Ossan Quarter, Divinity's Reach
  • Central Plaza, Divinity's Reach


  1. 0 : 1 objectives completed
  2. 1 : 2 objectives completed
  3. 1 : 8 objectives completed
  4. 1 : 15 objectives completed
Total: 3
