

Successfully complete events involving the Purists in Seitung Province.

  • Escort Detective Joi Bak to the Shrine of Zunraa during the day.
  • Confront the source of disturbances at the Shrine of Zunraa during the day.
  • Unmask the Purist sympathizers in the monastery.
  • Subdue the Purist operatives in the monastery.
  • Escort Detective Joi Bak to the Shrine of Zunraa at night.
  • Confront the source of disturbances at the Shrine of Zunraa at night.
  • Escort Gale Hookbeak to the abandoned shrine in Jaya Bluffs.
  • Defend Gale Hookbeak from Purist assailants in Jaya Bluffs.
  • Defeat the Purist champion in Jaya Bluffs.


  1. 1 : 3 objectives completed
  2. 1 : 6 objectives completed
  3. 0 : 9 objectives completed
Total: 2