Playing with the Infants

Our guardians said we could play here!

Objectives (20)

Play with all of the shrine guardian infants in Gyala Delve at least once.

  • Lounging on an island.
  • Sitting under a tree's shade.
  • Loves shipwrecks.
  • Hiding under a lieutenant's platform.
  • Listening to the sounds of a waterfall.
  • Pretending to be a giant hermit crab.
  • Admiring mushrooms.
  • Staring at underground crystals.
  • Snoozing by an air filter.
  • At the bottom of a ravine.
  • At a recently established camp.
  • Sightseeing at a jade wall.
  • Likes to watch jade being cut down.
  • Camping around a crashed mining rig.
  • Hiding in a water-pump system.
  • Hiding among ancient seashells.
  • Likes to watch trains.
  • Near a giant chainsaw.
  • Playing lookout near a bridge.
  • Splashing near underground vegetation.


  1. 1 : 5 objectives completed
  2. 1 : 10 objectives completed
  3. 1 : 15 objectives completed
  4. 1 : 20 objectives completed
Total: 4
