A thousand secrets, and half of them are lethal. It's best not to get lost...


Successfully complete events in the Bastion of the Obscure.

  • Fight off the Kryptis ambush.
  • Collect relics for Livia and keep the Kryptis from stealing too many.
  • Help Livia escort the relics by shooting at Kryptis from the magic platforms.
  • Defeat the Kryptis boss.
  • Defend Researcher Lezzi as she gathers info about the kryptis rifts.
  • Quickly disperse the unstable rift before it explodes.
  • Escort the researcher and his new data about Nayos.
  • Stop the Kryptis from taking the map room.
  • Exorcise possessed researchers.


  1. 1 : 3 objectives completed
  2. 1 : 6 objectives completed
  3. 1 : 9 objectives completed
Total: 3


  • Unknown mastery point

Prerequisite for