Homestead Recipe Book: Trees
Homestead Recipe Book: Trees
ExoticConsumable (Recipe)
A book of homestead decoration recipes needed to craft trees.
Account BoundNot salvageable
Recipe: Tengu Greatsword
Caudecus's Journal
Explore the Lost Epics of Deldrimor
Priory Field Guide to Dredge
Book of Rabid Deeds
Cavalier's Field Guide
Synergetics Cyberscale Skyscale Skin
Soldier's Field Guide
Caudecus's Journal
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Cavalier's Field Guide
Book of Rabid Deeds
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Caudecus's Journal
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Plan for Harrier's Warbeast Leggings
Recipe: Crimson Dragon Slayer Short Bow
Recipe: Charged Stormcaller Sword
Recipe: Satchel of Carrion Exalted Armor (Exotic)
Priory Field Guide to Dredge
Wayfarer's Field Guide
Soldier's Field Guide
Magi's Field Guide
Magi's Field Guide
Magi's Field Guide
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Plush Cuckoo Springer Skin
Cavalier's Field Guide
Book of Rabid Deeds
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Recipe: Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat
Mist Shard Gloves Recipe Book
Jade Tech Siege Turtle Skin
Soldier's Field Guide
The Juggernaut Vol. 1
HOPE Vol. 1
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Recipe: Azure Dragon Slayer Mace
Recipe: Crimson Dragon Slayer Axe
Recipe: Crimson Dragon Slayer Dagger
Recipe: Azure Dragon Slayer Scepter
Recipe: Stormcaller Greatsword
Recipe: Tengu Focus
Recipe: Stormcaller Core
Recipe: Mystic Aspect
Astral Ward Feathered Raptor Skin
Recipe: Satchel of Cleric's Exalted Armor (Exotic)
Recipe: Satchel of Rampager's Exalted Armor (Exotic)
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Caudecus's Journal
Meteorlogicus Vol. 1
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Book of Bounty Hunter Glove Recipes
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Recipe: Crimson Dragon Slayer Torch
Recipe: Charged Stormcaller Pistol
Dark Monarch Skyscale Skin
Recipe: Stormcaller Short Bow
Recipe: Tengu Rifle
Recipe: Stormcaller Warhorn
Synergetics Hoverbike Skimmer Skin
Winged Reverie Skiff Skin
Jade Tech Raptor Skin
Plush Siege Turtle Skin
Moonshadow Bat Griffon Skin
Recipe: Box of Rampager's Draconic Armor (Exotic)
Soldier's Field Guide
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Recipes of the Dwarven Armor Trader
Mossback Skimmer Skin
Recipe: Azure Dragon Slayer Greatsword
Recipe: Azure Dragon Slayer Sword
Recipe: Crimson Dragon Slayer Warhorn
Recipe: Crimson Dragon Slayer Staff
Recipe: Crimson Dragon Slayer Focus
Recipe: Dragon Slayer Scepter
Roadrunner Raptor Skin
Yellow Lion Dye
Recipe: Tengu Axe
Recipe: Tengu Sword
Molten Phoenix Griffon Skin
Imperial Crane Raptor Skin
Fluffy Samoyed Jackal Skin
Recipe: Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor (Exotic)
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Recipe: Crimson Dragon Slayer Pistol
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Recipe: Dragon Slayer Greatsword
Sand Lion Warclaw Skin
Recipe: Charged Stormcaller Axe
Recipe: Charged Stormcaller Dagger
Recipe: Stormcaller Scepter
Recipe: Tengu Hammer
Recipe: Iron Legion Longshot
Sacred Pegasus Griffon Skin
Shimmerwing Skyscale Skin
Auspicious Pixiu Skyscale Skin
Recipe: Satchel of Assassin's Emblazoned Armor (Exotic)
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Grand Savant Valis the Learned's Research Journal (Incomplete)
Recipe: Superior Rune of Nature's Bounty
Recipe: Bowl of "Elon Red"
Resplendent Avialan Raptor Skin
Summit Wildhorn Springer Skin
Recipe Book: Elegy Armor
Dreadnought Raptor Skin
Recipe: Azure Dragon Slayer Hammer
Recipe: Crimson Dragon Slayer Hammer
Recipe: Azure Dragon Slayer Staff
Recipe: Crimson Dragon Slayer Longbow
Plush Griffon Skin
Recipe: Dragon Slayer Focus
Recipe: Charged Stormcaller Torch
Recipe: Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone
Recipe: Charged Stormcaller Mace
Recipe: Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone
Recipe: Charged Stormcaller Longbow
Recipe: Tengu Staff
Recipe: Stormcaller Staff
Recipe: Stormcaller Sword
Recipe: Tengu Longbow
Recipe: Stormcaller Dagger
Recipe: Stormcaller Shield
Recipe: Iron Legion Flamesaw
Recipe: Iron Legion Staff
War-Torn Marauder Warclaw Skin
Green Lion Dye
Infernal Horror Springer Skin
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Primal Spirit Jackal Skin
Mist Shard Coat Box
Hound of Balthazar Warclaw Skin
Recipe: Kimchi Tofu Stew
Recipe: Bowl of Fish Stew
Kirin Jackal Skin
Unyielding Haechi Warclaw Skin
Super Sophisticated Siege Turtle Skin
Recipe: Satchel of Valkyrie Exalted Armor (Exotic)
Recipe: Satchel of Berserker's Exalted Armor (Exotic)
Recipe: Box of Knight's Draconic Armor (Exotic)
Recipe: Satchel of Valkyrie Emblazoned Armor (Exotic)
Cavalier's Field Guide
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Recipe: Satchel of Giver's Exalted Armor
Recipe: Watchwork Portal Device
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Umbral Demon Skimmer Skin
Recipe: Crimson Dragon Slayer Sword
Recipe: Crimson Dragon Slayer Rifle
Recipe: Azure Dragon Slayer Dagger
Recipe: Azure Dragon Slayer Longbow
Recipe: Azure Dragon Slayer Shield
Recipe: Azure Dragon Slayer Axe
Recipe: Crimson Dragon Slayer Greatsword
Woodland Sprite Springer Skin
Recipe: Dragon Slayer Longbow
Recipe: Dragon Slayer Warhorn
Recipe: Dragon Slayer Sword
Recipe: Dragon Slayer Shield
Recipe: Dragon Slayer Torch
Recipe: Dragon Slayer Axe
Recipe: Dragon Slayer Staff
Recipe: Dragon Slayer Rifle
Shell Surfer Skimmer Skin
Wild Trihorn Raptor Skin
Recipe: Charged Stormcaller Rifle
Recipe: Charged Stormcaller Shield
Recipe: Charged Stormcaller Staff
Recipe: Charged Stormcaller Greatsword
Recipe: Charged Stormcaller Focus
Recipe: Stormcaller Pistol
Recipe: Tengu Pistol
Recipe: Tengu Blade
Recipe: Tengu Scepter
Recipe: Tengu Short Bow
Recipe: Tengu Mace
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Recipe: Satchel of Assassin's Exalted Armor (Exotic)
Recipe: Satchel of Knight's Exalted Armor (Exotic)
Recipe: Box of Cleric's Draconic Armor (Exotic)
Recipe: Box of Assassin's Draconic Armor (Exotic)
Recipe: Satchel of Carrion Emblazoned Armor (Exotic)
Recipe: Satchel of Cleric's Emblazoned Armor (Exotic)
Recipe: Box of Apothecary's Draconic Armor
Recipe: Box of Giver's Draconic Armor
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