Student Shoes
Student Shoes
Defense: 27 Unused Upgrade Slot
Unlocks skin: Student ShoesFine
Armor (Boots)
Required Level: 25
Account Bound
Soulbound on use
The skin unlocked by this item is required to complete the following achievements:
Student Shoes
Strong Student Shoes
Rejuvenating Student Shoes
Strong Student Shoes
Hunter's Student Shoes
Waterproof Country Boots
Student Shoes (PvP)
Inquisitor's Shoes
Vigorous Student Shoes
Vigorous Student Shoes
Honed Student Shoes
Hearty Student Shoes
Honed Student Shoes
Hearty Student Shoes
Ravaging Student Shoes
Ravaging Student Shoes
Rejuvenating Student Shoes
Giver's Student Shoes
Hunter's Student Shoes