Brightheart Orchid
Brightheart Orchid
- +10
- Healing Power
Unused Upgrade Slot
FineTrinket (Accessory)
Required Level: 22
"We've managed to save a handful of these beautiful, rare flowers. Protect it with your life."
Not salvageable
Not sellable
Lucky Rabbit's Foot
Stolen Bandit Button
Broken Shackle
Stolen Bandit Fork
Lucky Rabbit's Foot
Stolen Bandit Buckle
Stolen Bandit Shell
Very Lucky Rabbit's Foot
Paid Tournament Token (PvP)
Little Norn Figurine
Bent Nail
Seraph Scout Badge
Togatl Magic Vial
Dwayna's Salmic Charm
Togatl Truffle Charm
Queen's Medal
Stolen Bandit Shoelace