Light Scepter
Light Scepter
Weapon Strength: 666 – 751- +87
- Power
- +62
- Precision
- +62
- Ferocity

- Unleash a lightning strike upon critically hitting a foe.
(Cooldown: 3 Seconds)
Weapon (Scepter)
Required Level: 74
Soulbound on Acquire
Berserker's Soft Wood Scepter of the Hydromancer
Shaman's Shiverpeak Wand of Bloodlust
Hypnotic Scepter
Dire Krytan Scepter of Bloodlust
Carrion Steam Scepter of Bloodlust
Carrion Glyphic Scepter of Bloodlust
Hypnotic Scepter (PvP)
Orrian Scepter of Bloodlust
Krytan Scepter of Bloodlust
Light Scepter
Dire Orrian Scepter of Bloodlust