Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Vision
Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Vision
Weapon Strength: 842 – 930- +141
- Power
- +141
- Vitality
- +198
- Condition Damage

- Critically strike an enemy for 3 seconds after swapping to this weapon in combat. (Cooldown: 9 Seconds)
Unused Upgrade Slot
Unlocks skin: Tribal GreatswordExotic
Weapon (Greatsword)
Required Level: 70
Soulbound on use
Dire Orrian Longsword of Vision
Soldier's Bandit Sunderer
Cavalier's Tribal Greatsword
Forest Greatsword (PvP)
Carrion Legionnaire Greatsword of Vision
Orrian Longsword of Vision
Dire Ceremonial Scimitar of Vision
Berserker's Iron Greatsword of Serpent Slaying
Magi's Tribal Greatsword
Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Accuracy
Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Rage
Soldier's Tribal Greatsword
Carrion Tribal Greatsword of Blood
Tribal Greatsword Skin
Rabid Tribal Greatsword
Shaman's Etched Avenger of Vision