Steam Bow
Steam Bow
Weapon Strength: 815 – 957 Unused Upgrade Slot
Unlocks skin: Steam BowRare
Weapon (Long bow)
Required Level: 80
Soulbound on use
Rampager's Soft Wood Longbow of Perception
Ravaging Steam Bow of the Hydromancer
Rampager's Krait Recurve Bow
Knight's Krait Recurve Bow
Ravaging Steam Bow
Carrion Steam Bow
Ravaging Steam Bow of Debility
Deserter's Chromecurve
Vagabond's Chromecurve
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Ravaging Steam Bow
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Vagabond's Chromecurve
Vagabond's Chromecurve
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Vagabond's Chromecurve
Deserter's Chromecurve
Deserter's Chromecurve
Deserter's Chromecurve
Vagabond's Chromecurve
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Deserter's Chromecurve
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