Shattered Bloodstone Circlet
Shattered Bloodstone Circlet
Unlocks skin: Shattered Bloodstone CircletMasterwork
Consumable (Transmutation Stone)
Double-click to apply this look to any other helmet. This skin will be unlocked in your wardrobe for future use.
Account BoundNot salvageable
Not sellable
Volcanic Backpack and Glider Combo
Etherbound Helm
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King Toad's Staff Skin
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Foefire Mantle
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Super Long Bow Skin
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Super Warhorn Skin
Super Dagger Skin
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Venombite Wings Backpack
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Deathly Shoulderpads Skin
Medium Island Shoulder Skin
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Tactical Leggings Skin
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Dread Quiver Backpack
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Foefire Wraps
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Wild Magic Backpack Glider Combo
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Fiery Dragon Sword
Medium Baroque Mask
Wheelock Rifle
Deldrimor Mace
Deathly Bull's Mantle Skin
Wooden Dagger Skin
Plated Helm Skin
Stately Shoes Skin
Warden Leggings Skin
Conquest Coat Skin
Super Sword Skin
Super Greatsword Skin
Super Scepter Skin
Rox's Quiver Backpack Cover
Lightning Catcher Skin
Sun Catcher Skin
King Toad's Pistol Skin
King Toad's Dagger Skin
Storm Wizard's Focus Skin
Plush Ram Backpack
Canach's Backpack
White Feather Wings Backpack
Plush Baby Aurene Backpack
Fire Quiver Backpack
Griffon Hatchling Package
Seven Reapers Pauldrons Skin
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Vermilion Wings Backpack
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Maguuma's Mantle Skin
Etherbound Package
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Shiro's Legacy Backpack
Vermilion Vambraces Skin
Water Dragon Chestguard Skin
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Heritage Shoes
Diamond Aegis Shield
Heavy Baroque Mask
Fire God's Light Vambraces
Deathly Avian Mantle Skin
Deathly Avian Pauldrons Skin
Heavy Consortium Breathing Mask Skin
Warden Mask Skin
Dark Boots Skin
Dark Helm Skin
Tactical Boots Skin
Conquest Boots Skin
Conquest Gloves Skin
Conquest Leggings Skin
Lawless Gloves Skin
Super Focus Skin
Super Torch Skin
Super Rifle Skin
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King Toad's Greatsword Skin
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