Book of Nadijeh's Boot Recipes
Book of Nadijeh's Boot Recipes
AscendedContainer (Standard)
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Account BoundNot salvageable
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Recipe: Wei Qi's Striders
Recipe: Hronk's Greaves
Recipe: Ossa's Striders
Assault Knight Helm
Striped Catfish
Skipjack Tuna
Obscure Fish
Recipe: Hronk's Striders
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Recipe: Saphir's Footwear
Deimos's Top-Tier Supplies
Book of Nadijeh's Armor Recipes
Qadim's Cache
Recipe: Wupwup Greaves
Recipe: Occam's Striders
Recipe: Tateos's Striders
Recipe: Veldrunner Footwear
Recipe: Zojja's Greaves
Recipe: Forgemaster's Striders
Recipe: Saphir's Greaves
Recipe: Wei Qi's Greaves
Ascended Armor Chest
Recipe: Ventari's Striders
Recipe: Verata's Greaves
Recipe: Maklain's Greaves
Recipe: Yassith's Striders
Book of Nadijeh's Headgear Recipes
Recipe: Togo's Greaves
Long-Lost Tahkayun's Weapon Stash
Recipe: Ferratus's Greaves
Recipe: Ahamid's Footwear
Recipe: Forgemaster's Greaves
Recipe: Angchu Greaves
Recipe: Angchu Striders
Recipe: Zintl Footwear
Recipe: Tizlak's Footwear
Recipe: Thackeray's Footwear
Recipe: Nadijeh's Striders
Book of Nadijeh's Shoulders Recipes
Experimental Warbeast Apparatus
Book of Nadijeh's Leggings Recipes
Desmina's Lockbox
Recipe: Nerashi's Striders
Recipe: Steelstar's Striders
Recipe: Togo's Striders
Scorpion Fish
Recipe: Occam's Greaves
Recipe: Ferratus's Footwear
Recipe: Ferratus's Striders
Recipe: Morbach's Greaves
Recipe: Gobrech's Striders
Recipe: Zintl Greaves
Recipe: Keeper's Striders
Healer's Chest of Leggings
Assaulter's Chest of Coats
Recipe: Tizlak's Striders
Recipe: Ruka's Striders
Recipe: Ruka's Footwear
Recipe: Yassith's Greaves
Chest of Daggers
Chest of Central Tyrian Staves
Recipe: Thackeray's Boots
Recipe: The Twins' Striders
Book of Nadijeh's Glove Recipes
Recipe: Nerashi's Footwear
Royal Featherback
Spotted Stingray
Recipe: Suun's Footwear
Holy Mackerel
Special Ops Helmet Locker
Hronk's Weapon Chest
Leftpaw's Armor Chest
Recipe: Wupwup Footwear
Recipe: Occam's Footwear
Recipe: Hronk's Footwear
Recipe: Zojja's Striders
Recipe: Ahamid's Striders
Recipe: Beigarth's Greaves
Ascended Weapon Chest
Recipe: Keeper's Greaves
Defender's Chest of Helms
Recipe: Ventari's Footwear
Wupwup Armor Chest
Recipe: Pahua's Footwear
Recipe: Laranthir's Footwear
Recipe: Svaard's Greaves
Recipe: Pahua's Greaves
Recipe: Pahua's Striders
Chest of Central Tyrian Daggers
Overseer's Reliquary
Recipe: Refined Envoy Shoes
Recipe: Nadijeh's Greaves
Recipe: Zehtuka's Striders
Battle Regalia of the Twin Dynasts
Book of Nadijeh's Chest Recipes
Lost Tome of Nadijeh's Weapon Recipes
Recipe: Giftbringer's Striders
Recipe: Giftbringer's Greaves
Recipe: Nerashi's Greaves
Twin Largos Coffer
Cardinal Adina's Top-Tier Supplies
Zojja's Weapon Chest
Occam's Armor Chest
Morbach's Armor Chest
Hronk's Armor Chest
Gobrech's Armor Chest
Forgemaster's Armor Chest
Angchu Armor Chest
Zintl Armor Chest
Recipe: Wupwup Striders
Recipe: Morbach's Striders
Recipe: Tateos's Greaves
Recipe: Tateos's Footwear
Recipe: Gobrech's Footwear
Recipe: Zojja's Footwear
Recipe: Forgemaster's Footwear
Recipe: Angchu Footwear
Recipe: Beigarth's Footwear
Malicious Chest of Gloves
Healer's Chest of Boots
Recipe: Laranthir's Greaves
Recipe: Laranthir's Striders
Recipe: Maklain's Footwear
Chest of Greatswords
Chest of Maces
Chest of Inscriptions
Chest of Central Tyrian Torches
Overseer's Top-Tier Supplies
Sandstorm Flush Hand
Recipe: The Twins' Footwear
Recipe: Zehtuka's Greaves
Stories of the Great Zehtuka
Nadijeh's Royal Arms Cache
Legendary Belongings of the Great Zehtuka
Dhuum's Top-Tier Supplies
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Chest of Dhuum's Shoulders
Desmina's Top-Tier Supplies
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Recipe: Steelstar's Footwear
Recipe: Steelstar's Greaves
More of Qadim's Top-Tier Supplies
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Magma Ray
Marbled Lungfish
Starry Flounder
Empress Fish
Coalforge's Weapon Chest
Tonn's Weapon Chest
Ferratus's Armor Chest
Ahamid's Armor Chest
Saphir's Armor Chest
Beigarth's Armor Chest
Wei Qi's Armor Chest
Recipe: Morbach's Footwear
Recipe: Gobrech's Greaves
Recipe: Ahamid's Greaves
Recipe: Leftpaw's Striders
Recipe: Wei Qi's Footwear
Recipe: Keeper's Footwear
Healer's Chest of Coats
Defender's Chest of Gloves
Malicious Chest of Boots
Healer's Chest of Shoulders
Recipe: Verata's Striders
Recipe: Verata's Footwear
Glob of Destabilized Ectoplasm
Recipe: Ossa's Footwear
Recipe: Ruka's Greaves
Recipe: Svaard's Footwear
Recipe: Svaard's Striders
Chest of Staves
Chest of Rifles
Chest of Central Tyrian Harpoon Guns
Chest of Central Tyrian Spears
Chest of Central Tyrian Rifles
Cairn's Cache
Recipe: Thackeray's Greaves
Cairn's Top-Tier Supplies
Recipe: Nadijeh's Footwear
Lost Treasure of the Great Zehtuka
Nadijeh's Royal Armor Cache
Book of Nadijeh's Weapon Recipes
Chest of Raider's Leggings
Recipe: Tixx's Footwear
Recipe: Tixx's Greaves
Amalgamated Coffer
Conjured Amalgamate Top-Tier Supplies
Largos' Top-Tier Supplies
Qadim the Peerless's Cache
Cardinal Sabir's Coffer
Recipe: Suun's Striders
Giant Catfish
Cerulean Salamander
Mega Prawn
Recipe: Togo's Footwear
King Crab
Royal Pike
Giant Octopus
Snowflake Eel
Lornar's Bass
Giant Trevally
Ascended Jewelry Box
Special Ops Chestpiece Locker
Special Ops Boot Locker
Special Ops Glove Locker
Wupwup Weapon Chest
Occam's Weapon Chest
Grizzlemouth's Weapon Chest
Theodosus's Weapon Chest
Ebonmane's Weapon Chest
Soros's Weapon Chest
Zintl Weapon Chest
Wupwup Armor Chest
Zojja's Armor Chest
Recipe: Veldrunner Striders
Massive Glob of Ectoplasm
Defender's Chest of Leggings
Defender's Chest of Boots
Malicious Chest of Shoulders
Defender's Chest of Coats
Recipe: Ventari's Greaves
Recipe: Tizlak's Greaves
Recipe: Yassith's Footwear
Recipe: Ossa's Greaves
Recipe: Maklain's Striders
Chest of Swords
Chest of Hammers
Chest of Shields
Chest of Spears
Chest of Axes
Chest of Scepters
Chest of Foci
Chest of Torches
Chest of Light Shoulders
Chest of White Mantle Shoulders
Chest of Gorseval Leggings
Chest of White Mantle Armaments
Chest of Central Tyrian Axes
Chest of Central Tyrian Maces
Chest of Central Tyrian Pistols
Chest of Central Tyrian Shields
Recipe: Refined Envoy Boots
Recipe: Zehtuka's Footwear
Recipe: The Twins' Greaves