Bottle of Contempt (Empty)
Bottle of Contempt (Empty)
ExoticConsumable (Service)
You would much rather not be carrying this jar.
The searing fire of rage bubbles over into a cauldron of contempt.
Not salvageable
Not sellable
Required to complete the following achievements:
Press Button
Press Button
Demystifying Device
Press Button
Twisted Essence of Resolve
Auxiliary Condenser Lens
Auxiliary Condenser Lens
Thermal Emplacement
Press Button
- Show 58 more similar items…
Additional Spectrum Filter
Bottle of Excitement (Empty)
Bottle of Shame (Filled)
Purified Essence of Resolve
Demystifying Device
Anti-Singe Containment Field
Bottle of Rage (Empty)
Bottle of Anguish (Empty)
Purified Essence of Generosity
Mist-Entangled Item
Bottle of Joy (Filled)
Anti-Singe Containment Field
Bottle of Fear (Filled)
Bottle of Contempt (Filled)
Press Button
Bottle of Anguish (Filled)
Anti-Singe Containment Field
Input Mist-Entangled Item
Input Mist-Entangled Item
Input Mist-Entangled Item
Mist-Entangled Item
Bottle of Fear (Empty)
Automatic Fire Extinguisher
Bottle of Surprise (Empty)
Demystifying Device
Anti-Singe Containment Field
Bottle of Excitement (Filled)
Bottle of Surprise (Filled)
Bottle of Joy (Empty)
Bottle of Shame (Empty)
Press Button
Demystifying Device
Mist-Entangled Item
Mist-Entangled Item
Additional Spectrum Filter
Branch of an Ancestor Tree
Frostbone Flux
Karka Web Gland
Research Proposal
Input Mist-Entangled Item
Mist-Entangled Item
Additional Spectrum Filter
Demystifying Device
Alchemical Alembic Complete
Demystifying Device
Auxiliary Condenser Lens
Additional Spectrum Filter
Bottle of Rage (Filled)
Purified Essence of Trust
Infused Meditation Log Book
Mist-Entangled Item
Finely Calibrated Optic
Twisted Essence of Trust
Twisted Essence of Generosity
Input Mist-Entangled Item
Input Mist-Entangled Item
Additional Spectrum Filter
Primordial Slag