True Nature

True Nature

Legendary Dragon. Consume. Consume Facet of Nature to unify allies, granting them your boons. Facet of Nature will be disabled while this skill is recharging.
Recharge: 20s
True Nature:
Currently invoking the power of Shiro Tagachi.
True Nature:
Currently invoking the power of Ventari.
True Nature:
Currently invoking the power of Mallyx the Unyielding.
True Nature:
Currently invoking the power of King Jalis Ironhammer.
True Nature:
Currently invoking the power of Glint.
Number of Targets: 5
Radius: 600

Facet of Nature (6s):
Pulse your invoked legend's Facet of Nature to nearby allies every few seconds.
(Only if Draconic Echo is selected)

Affected by Traits