Unhindered Delivery

Unhindered Delivery

Final Charge.Your whispers guard your allies, stabilizing and breaking stuns on them while weakening enemies.
Range: 450
Recharge: 1s
Number of Allied Targets: 5
Charge Time: 25s
Charge Time: 45s
Resolution (8s):
Incoming condition damage decreased by 33%; stacks duration.
5× Stability (8s):
Cannot be knocked down, pushed back, pulled, launched, stunned, dazed, floated, sunk, feared, or taunted.
Swiftness (5s):
Movement speed increased by 33%; stacks duration.
Radius: 180

Charge Recovery: 20s
(Only if Weighty Terms is selected; Replaces fact 5)
Charge Recovery: 36s
(Only if Weighty Terms is selected; Replaces fact 6)

Affected by Traits