Bladesong Sorrow

Bladesong Sorrow

Bladesong. Fire all stocked blades, inflicting your target with conditions.
Range: 1200
Recharge: 20s
Strike Damage per Blade Spent
Confusion (3s):
Damage received on skill activation; stacks intensity.
Bleeding (5s):
Deals damage every second; stacks intensity.
Number of Targets: 5

Vigor (8s):
Endurance regeneration increased by 50%; stacks duration.
(Only if Bountiful Disillusionment is selected)
Fury (5s):
Critical Chance increased by 20%; stacks duration.
(Only if Sharpening Sorrow is selected)
2× Confusion (4s):
Damage received on skill activation; stacks intensity.
(Only if Cry of Pain is selected; Replaces fact 4)
Crippled (3s):
Movement speed decreased by 50%; stacks duration.
(Only if Master of Fragmentation is selected)
Conditions Removed: 1
(Only if Restorative Illusions is selected)

Affected by Traits