Unlocked by
Strong Back Brace
Hearty Back Brace
Enduring Back Brace
Berserkers Spineguard of Ruby
Clerics Spineguard of Sapphire
Rampagers Spineguard of Coral
Spineguard of the North
Burntclaw's Brace
Prototype Sheath
Fiber Splice
Fiber Splice
Wraithlord Chains
Risen Spineguard
Risen Spineguard
Bandit Spineguard
Bandit Spineguard
Forest Brace
Forest Brace
Charred Back Warmer
Charred Back Warmer
Cavalier's Spineguard
Cavalier's Spineguard
Cavalier's Spineguard
Magi's Spineguard
Soldier's Spineguard
Rabid Spineguard
Wayfarer's Spineguard
Magi's Spineguard
Soldier's Spineguard
Rabid Spineguard
Wayfarer's Spineguard
Magi's Spineguard
Soldier's Spineguard
Rabid Spineguard
Wayfarer's Spineguard
Cavalier's Spineguard
Magi's Spineguard
Rabid Spineguard
Soldier's Spineguard
Ghost Eater's Hide
Soldier's Backpack Strap of Beryl
Soldier's Backpack Strap of Beryl
Soldier's Backpack Strap of Beryl
Soldier's Backpack Strap of Beryl
Rabid Backpack Strap of Chrysocola
Valkyrie Backpack Strap of Beryl
Soldier's Backpack Strap of Beryl
Soldier's Backpack Strap of Beryl
Soldier's Backpack Strap of Beryl
Cleric's Backpack Strap of Sapphire
Assassin's Backpack Strap of Opal
Rabid's Backpack Strap of the Rabid
Carrion's Backpack Strap of Chrysocola
Rabid's Backpack Strap of the Rabid
Rampager's Backpack Strap of Coral
Rampager's Backpack Strap of Coral
Knight's Backpack Strap of Emerald
Soldier's Backpack Strap of Azurite
Celestial Backpack Strap of the Sky
Arbor's Embrace
Strong Back Brace