Skins / Armor / Coat
- Chainmail Chestpiece
- Scallywag Chest
- Worn Chain Coat
- Worn Scale Coat
- Reinforced Scale Coat
- Banded Coat
- Illustrious Breastplate
- Splint Coat
- Tempered Scale Chestplate
- Draconic Coat
- Barbaric Coat
- Chain Coat
- Scale Coat
- Gladiator Chestplate
- Galvanic Coat
- Electroplated Coat
- Electromagnetic Coat
- Warband Hauberk
- Legion Hauberk
- Dreadnought Hauberk
- Commander's Armor
- Avenger's Armor
- Protector's Armor
- Dolyak Mail
- Eagle Mail
- Stag Mail
- Arborist Coat
- Warden Coat
- Oaken Coat
- Ascalonian Protector Breastplate
- Grasping Dead Breastplate
- Council Guard Breastplate
- Forgeman Breastplate
- Nightmare Court Breastplate
- Brawn of Koda
- Flame Legion Breastplate
- Inquest Breastplate
- Heritage Warplate
- Militia Breastplate
- Heavy Plate Chestguard
- Pit Fighter Chestguard
- Dark Templar Breastplate
- Studded Plate Armor
- Armageddon Breastplate
- Braham's Chestplate
- Primeval Warplate
- Phalanx Warplate
- Flamewrath Chestplate
- Rampart Warplate
- Aetherblade Heavy Warplate
- Zodiac Heavy Warplate
- Priory's Historical Breastplate
- Vigil's Honor Breastplate
- Whisper's Secret Breastplate
- Guild Defender Chestpiece
- Heavy Scale Chestpiece
- Radiant Cuirass
- Hellfire Cuirass
- Glorious Hero's Breastplate
- Glorious Breastplate
- Ardent Glorious Breastplate
- Luminescent Breastplate
- Carapace Breastplate
- Mistward Plate
- Leystone Breastplate
- Ornate Guild Breastplate
- Bladed Breastplate
- Mistward Plate
- Triumphant Hero's Breastplate
- Triumphant Breastplate
- Experimental Envoy Breastplate
- Refined Envoy Breastplate
- Perfected Envoy Breastplate
- Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Breastplate
- Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Breastplate
- Funerary Breastplate
- Bounty Hunter's Breastplate
- Elonian Breastplate
- Spearmarshal's Breastplate
- Warbeast Breastplate
- Lunatic Templar Breastplate
- Heavy Corsair Jerkin
- Luminous Heavy Cuirass
- Requiem Plate
- Elegy Plate
- Mistforged Glorious Hero's Breastplate
- Slumbering Mistforged Glorious Hero's Breastplate
- Mist Shard Plate
- Blossoming Mist Shard Plate
- Metal Legion "Imperator" Size
- Festive Sweater
- Raven Ceremonial Garb
- Warlord's Breastplate
- Runic Slayer Breastplate
- Bear Ceremonial Garb
- Ice Reaver Chestguard
- Foefire Chestguard
- Jade Tech Cuirass
- Angler Vest
- Ancient Canthan Gambeson
- Ancient Kraken Cuirass
- Heavy Antique Coat
- Heavy Monastery Vestments
- Reality Rig Mk3
- Reality Rig Mk2
- Reality Rig Mk1
- Water Dragon Chestguard
- Decade's Heart
- Etherbound Chestplate
- Seven Reapers Breastplate
- Savage Scale Chest
- Embellished Rabbit Vest
- Serpentine Tattoo Chest
- Bestial Tides Tattoo Chest
- Fire Bloom Tattoo Chest
- Heavy Special Ops Harness
- Holographic Dragon Plate
- Brawler's Silk Jacket
- Leather Straps Chestpiece
- Infused Aurora Chestguard
- Rift Hunter Heavy Coat
- Sanctified Coat
- Astral Ward Heavy Coat
- Krytan Rogue Chestpiece
- Oneiros-Spun Heavy Coat
- Obsidian Heavy Breastplate
- Apprentice Coat
- Seer Coat
- Country Coat
- Magician Coat
- Cabalist Coat
- Conjurer Chest
- Illustrious Doublet
- Embroidered Coat
- Student Coat
- Acolyte Coat
- Feathered Vestments
- Winged Tunic
- Exalted Coat
- Masquerade Raiments
- Adept Coat
- Genius Coat
- Savant Coat
- Invoker's Coat
- Archon Coat
- Magus Coat
- Researcher's Coat
- Aristocrat's Coat
- Sorcerer's Coat
- Sheepskin Doublet
- Havroun Doublet
- Lupine Doublet
- Snapdragon Coat
- Orchid Coat
- Dryad Coat
- Ascalonian Performer Vestments
- Vestments of the Lich
- Council Ministry Vestments
- Forgeman Raiment
- Nightmare Court Robes
- Soul of Koda
- Flame Legion Vestments
- Inquest Vest
- Guild Archmage Robes
- Heritage Greatcoat
- Devout Garb
- Stately Garb
- Dry Bones Garb
- Primitive Chestwraps
- Aurora Garb
- Phoenix Vest
- Profane Greatcoat
- Flamekissed Vest
- Incarnate Vest
- Aetherblade Light Vest
- Trickster's Vest
- Zodiac Light Vest
- Priory's Historical Vestments
- Vigil's Honor Vest
- Whisper's Secret Robes
- Apostle Cassock
- Tribal Vestments
- Diviner Coat
- Radiant Brigandine
- Hellfire Brigandine
- Glorious Hero's Raiment
- Ardent Glorious Raiment
- Glorious Raiment
- Luminescent Vestments
- Carapace Vestments
- Bladed Vestments
- Ornate Guild Vestments
- Leystone Vestments
- Triumphant Hero's Raiment
- Triumphant Raiment
- Experimental Envoy Vestments
- Perfected Envoy Vestments
- Refined Envoy Vestments
- Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Raiment
- Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Raiment
- Spearmarshal's Vestments
- Warbeast Vestments
- Funerary Vestments
- Bounty Hunter's Vestments
- Elonian Vestments
- Lunatic Acolyte Coat
- Light Corsair Jerkin
- Luminous Light Regalia
- Elegy Gambeson
- Requiem Gambeson
- Mistforged Glorious Hero's Raiment
- Slumbering Mistforged Glorious Hero's Raiment
- Blossoming Mist Shard Gambeson
- Mist Shard Gambeson
- Metal Legion "Tribune" Size
- Festive Sweater
- Raven Ceremonial Garb
- Warlord's Raiment
- Runic Shaman Coat
- Bear Ceremonial Garb
- Ice Reaver Chestguard
- Foefire Chestguard
- Light Antique Coat
- Angler Vest
- Ancient Ritualist Vestments
- Jade Tech Vest
- Ancient Canthan Tunic
- Light Monastery Coat
- Reality Rig Mk3
- Reality Rig Mk2
- Reality Rig Mk1
- Water Dragon Chestguard
- Etherbound Chestplate
- Decade's Heart
- Savage Scale Chest
- Seven Reapers Breastplate
- Embellished Rabbit Vest
- Bestial Tides Tattoo Chest
- Fire Bloom Tattoo Chest
- Light Special Ops Harness
- Serpentine Tattoo Chest
- Brawler's Silk Jacket
- Holographic Dragon Plate
- Leather Straps Chestpiece
- Infused Aurora Chestguard
- Rift Hunter Light Coat
- Astral Ward Light Coat
- Sanctified Coat
- Krytan Rogue Chestpiece
- Oneiros-Spun Light Coat
- Obsidian Light Regalia
- Rawhide Vest
- Sneakthief Coat
- Studded Coat
- Swindler Coat
- Privateer Coat
- Rogue Coat
- Illustrious Guise
- Leather Coat
- Rascal Coat
- Emblazoned Coat
- Prowler Coat
- Seeker Coat
- Outlaw Coat
- Noble Coat
- Protean Coat
- Auxiliary Powered Coat
- Prototype Coat
- Drover Coat
- Wrangler Coat
- Trapper Coat
- Scout's Coat
- Falconer's Coat
- Assassin's Coat
- Wolfborn Vest
- Predatory Vest
- Wolf Vest
- Evergreen Coat
- Nightshade Coat
- Firstborn Coat
- Ascalonian Sentry Chestguard
- Accursed Guise
- Council Watch Chestguard
- Forgeman Jacket
- Nightmare Court Guise
- Heart of Koda
- Flame Legion Coat
- Inquest Guise
- Guild Watchman Chestguard
- Heritage Jerkin
- Duelist Coat
- Buccaneer Coat
- Stalker Coat
- Rubicon Coat
- Magitech Jerkin
- Krytan Jerkin
- Flamewalker Coat
- Strider's Tunic
- Aetherblade Medium Jerkin
- Viper's Jerkin
- Zodiac Medium Jerkin
- Priory's Historical Jerkin
- Vigil's Honor Jerkin
- Whisper's Secret Longvest
- Marauder Jacket
- Stalwart Jerkin
- Mist Walker Coat
- Radiant Hauberk
- Hellfire Hauberk
- Glorious Hero's Brigandine
- Ardent Glorious Brigandine
- Glorious Brigandine
- Carapace Jerkin
- Luminescent Jerkin
- Leystone Jerkin
- Ornate Guild Jerkin
- Bladed Jerkin
- Triumphant Brigandine
- Triumphant Hero's Brigandine
- Experimental Envoy Jerkin
- Perfected Envoy Jerkin
- Refined Envoy Jerkin
- Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Brigandine
- Sublime Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Brigandine
- Warbeast Jerkin
- Elonian Jerkin
- Spearmarshal's Jerkin
- Funerary Jerkin
- Bounty Hunter's Jerkin
- Lunatic Noble Coat
- Bloodstained Lunatic Noble Coat
- Medium Corsair Jerkin
- Luminous Medium Brigandine
- Requiem Chestguard
- Elegy Chestguard
- Mistforged Glorious Hero's Brigandine
- Slumbering Mistforged Glorious Hero's Brigandine
- Mist Shard Chestguard
- Blossoming Mist Shard Chestguard
- Metal Legion "Soldier" Size
- Festive Sweater
- Raven Ceremonial Garb
- Warlord's Brigandine
- Runic Hunter Coat
- Bear Ceremonial Garb
- Ice Reaver Chestguard
- Foefire Chestguard
- Angler Vest
- Jade Tech Coat
- Ancient Canthan Jacket
- Ancient Tahkayun Jerkin
- Medium Monastery Coat
- Medium Antique Coat
- Reality Rig Mk3
- Reality Rig Mk1
- Reality Rig Mk2
- Water Dragon Chestguard
- Etherbound Chestplate
- Decade's Heart
- Savage Scale Chest
- Seven Reapers Breastplate
- Embellished Rabbit Vest
- Fire Bloom Tattoo Chest
- Serpentine Tattoo Chest
- Medium Special Ops Harness
- Bestial Tides Tattoo Chest
- Holographic Dragon Plate
- Brawler's Silk Jacket
- Leather Straps Chestpiece
- Infused Aurora Chestguard
- Astral Ward Medium Coat
- Rift Hunter Medium Coat
- Sanctified Coat
- Krytan Rogue Chestpiece
- Oneiros-Spun Medium Coat
- Obsidian Medium Jacket