Skins / Armor / Shoulders
- Chainmail Shoulders
- Scallywag Pauldrons
- Worn Chain Pauldrons
- Worn Scale Pauldrons
- Reinforced Scale Pauldrons
- Banded Pauldrons
- Illustrious Pauldrons
- Splint Pauldrons
- Tempered Scale Pauldrons
- Draconic Pauldrons
- Barbaric Pauldrons
- Chain Pauldrons
- Scale Pauldrons
- Gladiator Pauldrons
- Galvanic Epaulets
- Electroplated Epaulets
- Electromagnetic Epaulets
- Warband Spaulders
- Legion Spaulders
- Dreadnought Spaulders
- Commander's Shoulderplates
- Avenger's Shoulderplates
- Protector's Shoulderplates
- Dolyak Spaulders
- Eagle Spaulders
- Stag Spaulders
- Arborist Shoulderguards
- Warden Shoulderguards
- Oaken Shoulderguards
- Ascalonian Protector Pauldrons
- Grasping Dead Pauldrons
- Council Guard Pauldrons
- Forgeman Pauldrons
- Nightmare Court Pauldrons
- Burden of Koda
- Flame Legion Pauldrons
- Inquest Pauldrons
- Radiant Mantle
- Hellfire Mantle
- Heritage Pauldrons
- Militia Pauldrons
- Heavy Plate Pauldrons
- Pit Fighter Shoulderguard
- Dark Templar Pauldrons
- Studded Plate Pauldrons
- Armageddon Pauldrons
- Twisted Watchwork Shoulders
- Braham's Pauldrons
- Primeval Pauldrons
- Phalanx Shoulders
- Deathly Avian Pauldrons
- Deathly Bull's Pauldrons
- Deathly Pauldrons
- Heavy Island Shoulder
- Flamewrath Pauldrons
- Rampart Pauldrons
- Aetherblade Heavy Pauldrons
- Toxic Pauldron
- Zodiac Heavy Pauldrons
- Lawless Shoulders
- Priory's Historical Pauldrons
- Vigil's Honor Pauldrons
- Whisper's Secret Pauldrons
- Heavy Scale Shoulderguards
- Guild Defender Shoulderplate
- Wurmslayer's Pauldrons
- Scarlet's Spaulders
- Fanatic's Mantle
- Conqueror's Mantle
- Glorious Hero's Pauldrons
- Ardent Glorious Pauldrons
- Glorious Pauldrons
- Luminescent Pauldrons
- Carapace Pauldrons
- Shoulder Scarf
- Shadow of the Dragon Shoulders
- Mistward Pauldrons
- Leystone Pauldrons
- Ornate Guild Pauldrons
- Mistward Pauldrons
- Nightfury
- Bladed Pauldrons
- Herald's Shoulderplate
- Winter's Presence
- Triumphant Pauldrons
- Triumphant Hero's Pauldrons
- Experimental Envoy Pauldrons
- Heavy Dragonscale Epaulets
- Braham's Wolfblood Pauldrons
- Refined Envoy Pauldrons
- Perfected Envoy Pauldrons
- Heavy Houndskin Mantle
- Foefire Mantle
- Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Pauldrons
- Elonian Pauldrons
- Bounty Hunter's Pauldrons
- Spearmarshal's Pauldrons
- Spellbreaker's Redoubt
- Warbeast Pauldrons
- Funerary Pauldrons
- Lunatic Templar Pauldrons
- Pauldrons of Dhuum
- Olmakhan Mantle
- Luminous Heavy Pauldrons
- Requiem Pauldrons
- Elegy Pauldrons
- Raven Mantle
- Mistforged Glorious Hero's Pauldrons
- Golden Racing Scarf
- Racing Scarf
- Exalted Shoulders
- Mist Shard Pauldrons
- Blossoming Mist Shard Pauldrons
- Ebon Pauldrons
- Etherbound Pauldrons
- Ghostly Racing Scarf
- Fireworks Spaulders
- Maguuma's Mantle
- Warlord's Pauldrons
- Stone Summit Pauldrons
- Runic Slayer Pauldrons
- Holographic Dragon Shoulders
- Ice Reaver Pauldrons
- Ebon Vanguard Elite Shoulders Skin
- Dusk and Dawn Shoulders
- Seven Reapers Pauldrons
- Shatterspark Shoulders
- Ghost of the Deep Spaulders
- Grasping Gaze Shoulders
- Heavy Monastery Shoulderpads
- Ancient Canthan Spaulders
- Ancient Kraken Pauldrons
- Heavy Antique Shoulderpads
- Saltspray Dragon Scarf
- Jade Tech Pauldrons
- Mark of the Throne
- Fused Shoulders
- Vermilion Pauldrons
- Zephyrite Shawl
- Water Dragon Pauldrons
- Decade's End
- Lion Captain's Mantle
- Aurene's Crystalline Pauldrons
- Elegant Silk Scarf
- Heavy Special Ops Pauldrons
- Scrivener's Knowledge Shoulders
- Astral Ward Heavy Shoulders
- Sanctified Shoulders
- Rift Hunter Heavy Shoulders
- Oneiros-Spun Heavy Shoulders
- Winter Fur Shoulders
- Heretical Scholar's Pauldrons
- Obsidian Heavy Pauldrons
- Apprentice Shoulders
- Seer Mantle
- Country Mantle
- Magician Mantle
- Cabalist Shoulders
- Conjurer Mantle
- Illustrious Epaulets
- Embroidered Mantle
- Student Mantle
- Acolyte Mantle
- Feathered Mantle
- Winged Mantle
- Exalted Mantle
- Masquerade Mantle
- Adept Epaulets
- Genius Epaulets
- Savant Epaulets
- Invoker's Shoulders
- Archon Shoulders
- Magus Shoulders
- Researcher's Epaulets
- Aristocrat's Epaulets
- Sorcerer's Epaulets
- Sheepskin Mantle
- Havroun Mantle
- Lupine Mantle
- Snapdragon Epaulets
- Orchid Epaulets
- Dryad Epaulets
- Ascalonian Performer Mantle
- Mantle of the Lich
- Council Ministry Mantle
- Forgeman Mantle
- Nightmare Court Mantle
- Mantle of Koda
- Flame Legion Epaulets
- Inquest Mantle
- Radiant Mantle
- Hellfire Mantle
- Heritage Mantle
- Devout Mantle
- Stately Epaulets
- Dry Bones Mantle
- Primitive Mantle
- Aurora Mantle
- Twisted Watchwork Shoulders
- Phoenix Mantle
- Profane Mantle
- Deathly Avian Mantle
- Deathly Bull's Mantle
- Deathly Mantle
- Light Island Shoulder
- Flamekissed Mantle
- Incarnate Mantle
- Aetherblade Light Mantle
- Toxic Mantle
- Trickster's Mantle
- Zodiac Light Mantle
- Lawless Shoulders
- Priory's Historical Mantle
- Vigil's Honor Mantle
- Apostle Epaulets
- Tribal Mantle
- Guild Archmage Mantle
- Wurmslayer's Epaulets
- Scarlet's Spaulders
- Diviner Mantle
- Glorious Hero's Epaulets
- Ardent Glorious Epaulets
- Glorious Epaulets
- Luminescent Mantle
- Carapace Mantle
- Shoulder Scarf
- Shadow of the Dragon Shoulders
- Chronomancer's Epaulets
- Nightfury
- Leystone Mantle
- Ornate Guild Mantle
- Tempest's Loop
- Bladed Mantle
- Winter's Presence
- Triumphant Hero's Epaulets
- Triumphant Epaulets
- Experimental Envoy Mantle
- Light Dragonscale Epaulets
- Braham's Wolfblood Pauldrons
- Refined Envoy Mantle
- Perfected Envoy Mantle
- Light Houndskin Mantle
- Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Epaulets
- Foefire Mantle
- Funerary Mantle
- Scourge's Tendrils
- Spearmarshal's Mantle
- Warbeast Mantle
- Bounty Hunter's Mantle
- Elonian Mantle
- Lunatic Acolyte Mantle
- Mantle of Dhuum
- Olmakhan Mantle
- Luminous Light Pauldrons
- Elegy Epaulets
- Requiem Epaulets
- Mistforged Glorious Hero's Epaulets
- Raven Mantle
- Racing Scarf
- Golden Racing Scarf
- Exalted Shoulders
- Mist Shard Epaulets
- Blossoming Mist Shard Epaulets
- Ebon Epaulets
- Etherbound Pauldrons
- Ghostly Racing Scarf
- Fireworks Spaulders
- Maguuma's Mantle
- Warlord's Epaulets
- Stone Summit Pauldrons
- Runic Shaman Mantle
- Holographic Dragon Shoulders
- Ice Reaver Pauldrons
- Ebon Vanguard Elite Shoulders Skin
- Dusk and Dawn Shoulders
- Seven Reapers Pauldrons
- Shatterspark Shoulders
- Ghost of the Deep Spaulders
- Grasping Gaze Shoulders
- Saltspray Dragon Scarf
- Light Antique Shoulderpads
- Ancient Canthan Light Shoulderpads
- Jade Tech Light Shoulderpads
- Light Monastery Shoulderpads
- Ancient Ritualist Mantle
- Fused Shoulders
- Vermilion Pauldrons
- Water Dragon Pauldrons
- Zephyrite Shawl
- Decade's End
- Lion Captain's Mantle
- Aurene's Crystalline Pauldrons
- Elegant Silk Scarf
- Light Special Ops Pauldrons
- Scrivener's Knowledge Shoulders
- Rift Hunter Light Shoulders
- Sanctified Shoulders
- Astral Ward Light Shoulders
- Oneiros-Spun Light Shoulders
- Winter Fur Shoulders
- Heretical Scholar's Pauldrons
- Obsidian Light Mantle
- Rawhide Shoulders
- Sneakthief Shoulderguards
- Swindler Pauldrons
- Privateer Shoulders
- Rogue Pauldrons
- Illustrious Shoulderguard
- Leather Shoulders
- Rascal Shoulders
- Emblazoned Shoulders
- Prowler Shoulders
- Seeker Shoulders
- Outlaw Shoulders
- Noble Shoulders
- Protean Epaulets
- Auxiliary Powered Epaulets
- Prototype Epaulets
- Drover Shoulders
- Wrangler Shoulders
- Trapper Shoulders
- Scout's Shoulderpads
- Falconer's Shoulderpads
- Assassin's Shoulderpads
- Wolfborn Shoulderpad
- Predatory Shoulderpad
- Wolf Shoulderpad
- Evergreen Shoulderguards
- Nightshade Shoulderguards
- Firstborn Shoulderguards
- Ascalonian Sentry Shoulderguards
- Accursed Shoulders
- Council Watch Shoulderguards
- Forgeman Shoulders
- Nightmare Court Collar
- Duty of Koda
- Flame Legion Shoulders
- Inquest Shoulders
- Radiant Mantle
- Hellfire Mantle
- Heritage Shoulderpads
- Duelist Pauldrons
- Buccaneer Shoulders
- Stalker Shoulderguards
- Rubicon Shoulderpads
- Twisted Watchwork Shoulders
- Magitech Shoulderpads
- Krytan Shoulderpads
- Deathly Avian Shoulderpads
- Deathly Bull's Shoulderpads
- Deathly Shoulderpads
- Medium Island Shoulder
- Flamewalker Shoulderpads
- Strider's Spaulders
- Aetherblade Medium Shoulderpads
- Toxic Shoulderpad
- Viper's Shoulderpads
- Zodiac Medium Shoulderpads
- Lawless Shoulders
- Priory's Historical Shoulderpads
- Vigil's Honor Shoulderguards
- Whisper's Secret Shoulderguards
- Studded Shoulders
- Marauder Shoulderguards
- Stalwart Shoulders
- Guild Watchman Shoulderguards
- Wurmslayer's Shoulderguard
- Scarlet's Spaulders
- Mist Walker Shoulders
- Glorious Hero's Shoulderguards
- Ardent Glorious Shoulderguards
- Glorious Shoulderguards
- Carapace Shoulderpads
- Luminescent Shoulderpads
- Shoulder Scarf
- Shadow of the Dragon Shoulders
- Druid's Shoulderguards
- Nightfury
- Bladed Shoulderpads
- Leystone Shoulderpads
- Ornate Guild Shoulderpads
- Winter's Presence
- Triumphant Hero's Shoulderguards
- Triumphant Shoulderguards
- Experimental Envoy Shoulderpads
- Medium Dragonscale Epaulets
- Braham's Wolfblood Pauldrons
- Refined Envoy Shoulderpads
- Perfected Envoy Shoulderpads
- Medium Houndskin Mantle
- Mistforged Triumphant Hero's Shoulderguards
- Foefire Mantle
- Warbeast Shoulderpads
- Elonian Shoulderpads
- Spearmarshal's Shoulderpads
- Funerary Shoulderpads
- Holosmith's Lucent Vent
- Bounty Hunter's Shoulderpads
- Deadeye's Brace
- Lunatic Noble Shoulders
- Shoulderguards of Dhuum
- Olmakhan Mantle
- Luminous Medium Pauldrons
- Elegy Shoulders
- Requiem Shoulders
- Raven Mantle
- Mistforged Glorious Hero's Shoulderguards
- Racing Scarf
- Golden Racing Scarf
- Exalted Shoulders
- Mist Shard Shoulders
- Blossoming Mist Shard Shoulders
- Ebon Shoulders
- Etherbound Pauldrons
- Ghostly Racing Scarf
- Fireworks Spaulders
- Maguuma's Mantle
- Warlord's Shoulderguards
- Runic Hunter Shoulders
- Stone Summit Pauldrons
- Holographic Dragon Shoulders
- Ice Reaver Pauldrons
- Ebon Vanguard Elite Shoulders Skin
- Dusk and Dawn Shoulders
- Seven Reapers Pauldrons
- Shatterspark Shoulders
- Ghost of the Deep Spaulders
- Grasping Gaze Shoulders
- Medium Antique Shoulderpads
- Ancient Tahkayun Shoulders
- Jade Tech Medium Shoulderpads
- Ancient Canthan Medium Shoulderpads
- Saltspray Dragon Scarf
- Medium Monastery Shoulderpads
- Vermilion Pauldrons
- Fused Shoulders
- Water Dragon Pauldrons
- Zephyrite Shawl
- Decade's End
- Lion Captain's Mantle
- Aurene's Crystalline Pauldrons
- Elegant Silk Scarf
- Medium Special Ops Pauldrons
- Scrivener's Knowledge Shoulders
- Astral Ward Medium Shoulders
- Rift Hunter Medium Shoulders
- Sanctified Shoulders
- Oneiros-Spun Medium Shoulders
- Winter Fur Shoulders
- Heretical Scholar's Pauldrons
- Obsidian Medium Shoulders