Time Splitter

Time Splitter

Gain access to chronomancer shatter skills and Wells.

Split Second

Shatter. Destroy all your clones, damaging nearby foes. Strikes again after a delay. Shatter traits only affect the first strike of this skill.
Range: 1200
Recharge: 12s
1 Clone
2 Clones
3 Clones
Radius: 240
Number of Targets: 5
Interval: 1s

5× Might (8s):
Increased outgoing damage; stacks intensity.
(Only if Bountiful Disillusionment is selected)
Critical Chance Increase: 25%
(Only if Master of Fragmentation is selected)
Conditions Removed: 1
(Only if Restorative Illusions is selected)


Shatter. Destroy all your clones, confusing nearby foes and recharging this skill for each clone shattered.
Range: 1200
Recharge: 30s
Confusion (3s):
Damage received on skill activation; stacks intensity.
Radius: 240
Number of Targets: 5
Rechage Reduced per Clone: 3s

Vigor (8s):
Endurance regeneration increased by 50%; stacks duration.
(Only if Bountiful Disillusionment is selected)
2× Confusion (4s):
Damage received on skill activation; stacks intensity.
(Only if Cry of Pain is selected; Replaces fact 4)
Crippled (3s):
Movement speed decreased by 50%; stacks duration.
(Only if Master of Fragmentation is selected)
Conditions Removed: 1
(Only if Restorative Illusions is selected)

Time Sink

Shatter. Destroy all your clones, dazing and slowing their targets.
Range: 1200
Recharge: 38s
Daze: 1s
Radius: 240
Number of Targets: 1
Slow (2s):
Skills and actions are slower.

Fury (10s):
Critical Chance increased by 20%; stacks duration.
(Only if Bountiful Disillusionment is selected)
Number of Targets: 5
(Only if Master of Fragmentation is selected; Replaces fact 5)
Conditions Removed: 1
(Only if Restorative Illusions is selected)

Continuum Split

Destroy all your clones and create a rift in the space-time continuum. When it expires, you will revert back to your original point with your previous health, endurance, and skill recharges. Duration increases with each illusion shattered. This skill's recharge cannot be reset by other mesmer skills.
Range: 1200
Recharge: 105s
0 Clones: 2s
1 Clone: 3s
2 Clones: 5s
3 Clones: 6s
Prevents Capture-Point Contribution
Number of Targets: 1
Radius: 240

Resistance (3s):
Nondamaging conditions currently on you are ineffective; stacks duration.
(Only if Bountiful Disillusionment is selected)
Conditions Removed: 1
(Only if Restorative Illusions is selected)
Duration Increase: 1s
(Only if Master of Fragmentation is selected)

Continuum Shift

Revert back to the previous timeline. Your health, endurance and cooldowns are reverted to their previous states. You are transported back prematurely if the rift is destroyed.
Range: 5000

Affects Traits