Satchel of Giver's Noble Armor
Satchel of Giver's Noble Armor
RareContainer (Standard)
Double-click to unpack a full set of level 65 armor.
162Crafted from
Satchel of Strong Outlaw Armor
Satchel of Healing Seeker Armor
Satchel of Carrion Exalted Armor
Satchel of Honed Outlaw Armor
Satchel of Rejuvenating Leather Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Feathered Armor
Satchel of Hunter's Student Armor
Satchel of Precise Seeker Armor
- Show 241 more similar items…
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Satchel of Strong Outlaw Armor
Satchel of Strong Noble Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Rascal Armor
Satchel of Mighty Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Feathered Armor
Satchel of Mighty Seeker Armor
Satchel of Malign Seeker Armor
Satchel of Mighty Seeker Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Prowler Armor
Satchel of Healing Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Resilient Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Ravaging Acolyte Armor
Satchel of Carrion Winged Armor
Satchel of Knight's Feathered Armor
Satchel of Hunter's Student Armor
Satchel of Rejuvenating Outlaw Armor
Satchel of Honed Outlaw Armor
Satchel of Vigorous Noble Armor
Satchel of Ravaging Leather Armor
Satchel of Carrion Noble Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Noble Armor
Satchel of Ravaging Student Armor
Satchel of Strong Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Vigorous Student Armor
Satchel of Carrion Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Feathered Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Giver's Exalted Armor
Satchel of Vital Seeker Armor
Satchel of Mighty Seeker Armor
Satchel of Precise Seeker Armor
Satchel of Hearty Outlaw Armor
Satchel of Hearty Leather Armor
Satchel of Rejuvenating Leather Armor
Satchel of Hearty Leather Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Prowler Armor
Satchel of Malign Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Precise Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Strong Student Armor
Satchel of Carrion Winged Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Winged Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Winged Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Winged Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Feathered Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Feathered Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Knight's Winged Armor
Satchel of Giver's Noble Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Winged Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Feathered Armor
Satchel of Hunter's Outlaw Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Prowler Armor
Satchel of Resilient Seeker Armor
Satchel of Healing Seeker Armor
Satchel of Ravaging Outlaw Armor
Satchel of Rejuvenating Noble Armor
Satchel of Vigorous Outlaw Armor
Satchel of Vigorous Leather Armor
Satchel of Strong Leather Armor
Satchel of Strong Noble Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Noble Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Prowler Armor
Satchel of Carrion Emblazoned Armor
Satchel of Mighty Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Vigorous Student Armor
Satchel of Honed Student Armor
Satchel of Ravaging Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Rejuvenating Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Pillaging Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Strong Student Armor
Satchel of Vigorous Acolyte Armor
Satchel of Rejuvenating Acolyte Armor
Satchel of Rejuvenating Acolyte Armor
Satchel of Vigorous Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Carrion Feathered Armor
Satchel of Carrion Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Hearty Student Armor
Satchel of Hearty Noble Armor
Satchel of Honed Leather Armor
Satchel of Honed Leather Armor
Patchwork Knapsack
Elaborate Ritualist Bag
Satchel of Hunter's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Hunter's Acolyte Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Malign Seeker Armor
Satchel of Vigorous Outlaw Armor
Satchel of Ravaging Leather Armor
Satchel of Rejuvenating Noble Armor
Satchel of Knight's Prowler Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Prowler Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Emblazoned Armor
Satchel of Carrion Prowler Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Noble Armor
Satchel of Knight's Prowler Armor
Satchel of Precise Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Healing Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Resilient Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Hearty Student Armor
Satchel of Vigorous Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Ravaging Acolyte Armor
Satchel of Strong Acolyte Armor
Satchel of Strong Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Carrion Feathered Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Feathered Armor
Satchel of Knight's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Giver's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Apothecary's Noble Armor
Deluxe Gear Box
Satchel of Hunter's Acolyte Armor
Satchel of Hunter's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Hunter's Noble Armor
Satchel of Hunter's Leather Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Prowler Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Noble Armor
Satchel of Zealot's Emblazoned Armor
Satchel of Resilient Seeker Armor
Satchel of Ravaging Noble Armor
Satchel of Vigorous Leather Armor
Satchel of Vigorous Noble Armor
Satchel of Carrion Rascal Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Rascal Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Carrion Prowler Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Noble Armor
Satchel of Knight's Noble Armor
Satchel of Ravaging Student Armor
Satchel of Rejuvenating Student Armor
Satchel of Hearty Acolyte Armor
Satchel of Rejuvenating Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Hearty Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Winged Armor
Satchel of Rejuvenating Student Armor
Satchel of Hearty Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Knight's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Honed Noble Armor
Satchel of Giver's Emblazoned Armor
Satchel of Giver's Leather Armor
Fallen Adventurer's Backpack
Fallen Adventurer's Backpack
Oversized Rucksack
Satchel of Assassin's Winged Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Noble Armor
Box of Cleric's Gladiator Armor
Satchel of Ravaging Outlaw Armor
Satchel of Pillaging Outlaw Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Noble Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Noble Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Prowler Armor
Satchel of Knight's Emblazoned Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Prowler Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Noble Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Noble Armor
Satchel of Vital Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Honed Student Armor
Satchel of Ravaging Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Winged Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Exalted Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Feathered Armor
Satchel of Knight's Feathered Armor
Satchel of Knight's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Honed Acolyte Armor
Satchel of Rejuvenating Outlaw Armor
Satchel of Giver's Acolyte Armor
Satchel of Apothecary's Feathered Armor
Satchel of Apothecary's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Apothecary's Emblazoned Armor
Deluxe Gear Box
Deluxe Gear Box
Embroidered Coin Purse
Embroidered Belt Pouch
Satchel of Hunter's Outlaw Armor
Satchel of Hunter's Leather Armor
Satchel of Zealot's Exalted Armor
Satchel of Nomad's Emblazoned Armor
Box of Valkyrie Gladiator Armor
Box of Knight's Gladiator Armor
Satchel of Hearty Noble Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Emblazoned Armor
Satchel of Valkyrie Emblazoned Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Prowler Armor
Satchel of Honed Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Hearty Acolyte Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Winged Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Exalted Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Exalted Armor
Satchel of Knight's Exalted Armor
Satchel of Rampager's Feathered Armor
Satchel of Honed Acolyte Armor
Satchel of Honed Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Knight's Winged Armor
Satchel of Giver's Masquerade Armor
Satchel of Apothecary's Feathered Armor
Satchel of Apothecary's Exalted Armor
Satchel of Giver's Outlaw Armor
Deluxe Gear Box
Deluxe Gear Box
Embroidered Saddlebag
Branded Strongbox
Singed Ritualist Bag
Tribal Satchel
Slime-Covered Strongbox
Travelers Sack
Embroidered Coin Purse
Embroidered Saddlebag
Satchel of Assassin's Feathered Armor
Satchel of Assassin's Emblazoned Armor
Box of Berserker's Gladiator Armor
Box of Rampager's Gladiator Armor
Box of Carrion Gladiator Armor
Satchel of Carrion Rascal Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Emblazoned Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Prowler Armor
Satchel of Vital Embroidered Armor
Satchel of Vigorous Acolyte Armor
Satchel of Cleric's Winged Armor
Satchel of Berserker's Winged Armor
Satchel of Knight's Rascal Armor
Satchel of Giver's Student Armor
Fallen Adventurer's Backpack
Oversized Rucksack
Thorny Seed Pouch
Heirloom Seed Pouch
Embroidered Belt Pouch
Fallen Adventurer's Backpack
Fallen Adventurer's Backpack
Fallen Adventurer's Backpack
Fallen Adventurer's Backpack