Strong Potion of Undead Slaying
Strong Potion of Undead Slaying

Enhancement (30m):
- +8%
- Damage vs. Undead
- −6%
- Damage from Undead
- +10%
- Experience from Kills
Consumable (Tonic)
Required Level: 55
Crafted from
Jar of Harpy Pheromones
Strong Potion of Demon Slaying
Flask of Liquid Karma
Strong Potion of Krait Slaying
Strong Potion of Elemental Slaying
Strong Potion of Grawl Slaying
Strong Potion of Dredge Slaying
Guild PvP Reward Track
Strong Potion of Destroyer Slaying
Strong Potion of Ogre Slaying
Strong Potion of Halloween Slaying
Strong Potion of Ice Brood Slaying