Mirage Cloak

Mirage Cloak

Gain Mirage Cloak instead of dodge rolling. Ambush skills become available for a short time whenever you gain Mirage Cloak. Gain access to Deception skills.
Mirage Cloak (1s):
Evade incoming attacks.
Ambush Attack Window: 2s
Endurance Threshold Decrease: 50

Imaginary Axes

Ambush.Release phantasmal axes that seek out the nearest target after a short delay.
Range: 200
Recharge: 1s
3× Torment (4s):
Deals damage every second. Deals additional damage to foes that aren't moving. Stacks intensity.
Torment (4s):
Deals damage every second. Deals additional damage to foes that aren't moving. Stacks intensity.
Torment (4s):
Deals damage every second. Deals additional damage to foes that aren't moving. Stacks intensity.
Seek Range: 480

Split Surge

Ambush. Shoot a beam at a targeted foe, and secondary beams at foes near your target.
Range: 1200
Recharge: 1s
Number of Targets: 3
Radius: 240
2× Might (5s):
Increased outgoing damage; stacks intensity.
2× Vulnerability (5s):
Damage and condition damage taken are increased; stacks intensity.

Ether Barrage

Ambush. Launch a barrage of chaos orbs at your foe, inflicting either confusion or torment each hit. Condition duration halved for clones.
Range: 1200
Recharge: 1s
Confusion (4s):
Damage received on skill activation; stacks intensity.
Confusion (2s):
Damage received on skill activation; stacks intensity.
Torment (4s):
Deals damage every second. Deals additional damage to foes that aren't moving. Stacks intensity.
Torment (2s):
Deals damage every second. Deals additional damage to foes that aren't moving. Stacks intensity.

Ambush Assault

Ambush. Blink to your target and unleash a series of low-damage strikes that rapidly stack vulnerability.
Range: 600
Recharge: 1s
Final Strike Damage
Number of Strikes: 8
Vulnerability (8s):
Damage and condition damage taken are increased; stacks intensity.

Chaos Vortex

Ambush. Release a vortex of chaos energy that inflicts damaging conditions on foes. Allies near the caster gain boons.
Range: 1200
Recharge: 1s
Torment (8s):
Deals damage every second. Deals additional damage to foes that aren't moving. Stacks intensity.
Bleeding (8s):
Deals damage every second; stacks intensity.
Confusion (8s):
Damage received on skill activation; stacks intensity.
Confusion (3s):
Damage received on skill activation; stacks intensity.
Ally Boon Radius: 360
Alacrity (3s):
Skills recharge faster.
8× Might (15s):
Increased outgoing damage; stacks intensity.
Number of Targets: 10

Mirage Thrust

Ambush. Lunge at your foe and strike them with your sword, briefly dazing them. Leave behind a clone at your original location.
Range: 600
Recharge: 1s
Daze: 0s
Combo Finisher: Leap (100%)

Wave of Panic

Ambush. Release a wave of energy that interrupts and confuses foes.
Range: 600
Recharge: 1s
2× Confusion (4s):
Damage received on skill activation; stacks intensity.
Number of Targets: 5
Stun: 1s