New Items
25.07.2022 – 31.07.2022
01.08.2022 – 07.08.2022
08.08.2022 – 14.08.2022
06.08.2022 (120)
Banded Gauntlets of Balthazar
Militia Boots (PvP)
Bandit Spire
Krytan Short Bow of Bloodlust
Soldier's Iron Spear
Armbrace of Truth
Healing Signet (Infused)
Apostate's Hand Furnace
Imperial Everbloom
Imperial Everbloom
Imperial Everbloom
Imperial Everbloom
Imperial Everbloom
Imperial Everbloom
Keeper's Tassets
Keeper's Leggings
Floating Garden Skiff Skin
Keeper's Warfists
Keeper's Pauldrons
Dragon's Void-Corrupted Orb
Keeper's Footwear
Keeper's Visage
Keeper's Greaves
Keeper's Visor
Keeper's Breastplate
Red Crane Fishing Rod Skin
Keeper's Masque
Keeper's Metal Breather
Mists-Charged Jade Pendant
Braham's Trophy Bag
Research Note
Jade Tech Outfit
Watchknight Greaves
Cuddly Cat Jade Bot Skin
Watchknight Greaves
Pile of Research
Tropical Feathered Cape
Research Notebook
Research Paper
Mists-Charged Jade Band (Infused)
Mists-Charged Jade Talisman
Jade Tech Raptor Skin
Mountain of Research
Pavilion Champion's Medal
Watchknight Greaves
Legendary Insight
Pavilion Champion's Wolfblade
Watchknight Greaves
Pulley Hook
Wanderer's Zephyrite Shawl
Windswept Mace
Zephyrite Shawl
Watchwork Mace
Water Dragon Greaves Skin
Watchwork Short Bow
Kralkatorrik's Wing Skin
Watchwork Longbow
Kralkatorrik's Bite Skin
Windswept Scepter
Kralkatorrik's Argument Skin
Watchwork Staff
Kralkatorrik's Scale Skin
Completed Memory of Kralkatorrik
Scale Splinter of Kralkatorrik
Kralkatorrik's Gaze Skin
Jade Tech Jetpack Backpack and Glider Combo
Watchwork Warhorn
Seven Dragon Dye Pack
Fragment of Prismatic Fury
Water Dragon Gauntlets Skin
Watchwork Rifle
Kralkatorrik's Claw Skin
Watchwork Pistol
Windswept Blade
Mini Siamese Cat
Watchwork Chest
Windmill Wheel
Water Dragon Legguards Skin
Watchwork Dagger
Uncharged Fragment of Prismatic Fury
Watchwork Focus
Four Winds Prize Bag
Windswept Pistol
Kite Weapon Chest
Wanderer's Zephyrite Shawl
Scale Splinter of Kralkatorrik
Watchwork Greatsword
Water Dragon Chestguard Skin
Kralkatorrik's Wisdom Skin
Jade Tech Jetpack Glider
Mini Rottweiler
Jade Tech Jetpack Backpack
Kralkatorrik's Insight Skin
Water Dragon Armor Skin
Kralkatorrik's Fang Skin
Scale Splinter of Kralkatorrik
Wanderer's Zephyrite Shawl
Kralkatorrik's Weight Skin
Watchwork Shield
Scale Splinter of Kralkatorrik
Watchwork Sword
Watchwork Hammer
Water Dragon Pauldrons Skin
Kralkatorrik's Voice Skin
Kralkatorrik's Persuasion Skin
Watchwork Axe
Kralkatorrik's Rending Skin
Kralkatorrik's Breath Skin
Watchwork Torch
Kralkatorrik's Tail Skin
Watchwork Scepter
Water Dragon Helm Skin
Kralkatorrik's Flight Skin