New Items
06.11.2024 (1143)
Polychromatic Heavy Cuisses
Igneous Regalia Outfit
Onyx Spider's Pistol Skin
Polychromatic Shoulders Box
Polychromatic Light Shoes
Polychromatic Leggings Box
Homestead Recipe Book: Banners
Recipe: Bronze River of Souls Trophy
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Greatsword
Polychromatic Medium Boots
Glyph of the Forester
Spectacled Lumper
Mini Waiting Sorrow
Homestead Upgrade: Fiber Trade Efficiency
Magi's Full Moon Scepter
Bearkin War Helm
Onyx Spider's Greatsword Skin
Lowland Shore Renown Token
Wool Ball
Glyph of the Unbound
Polychromatic Medium Leggings
Local Writ of Renown
Magi's Full Moon Sword
Magi's Full Moon Warhorn
Lowland Shore Adventure: Gold
Janthir Syntri Adventure: Bronze
Skysteel Greatsword Skin
Valkyrie Bearkin War Helm
Onyx Spider's Torch Skin
Recipe: Bronze Mursaat Overseer Trophy
Salvaged Grade 37 Crystalink Coupling
Endless Bearkin Combat Tonic
Recipe: Titanplate Light Shoes
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Hammer
Magi's Full Moon Hammer
Recipe: Bronze Keep Construct Trophy
Woad Light Boots
Janthir Syntri Renown Token
Magi's Full Moon Staff
Homestead Upgrade: Fiber Trade Capacity
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Dagger
Ring of the Crustacean
Homestead Recipe Book: Plants, Volume 2
Moon-Etched Weapon Box
Janthir Syntri Adventure: Silver
Woad Medium Leggings
Titanplate Medium Boots
Magi's Full Moon Spear
Glyph of the Prospector
Recipe: Bronze Gorseval Trophy
Glyph of the Leatherworker
Woad Heavy Leggings
Gift of Lowland Shore
Janthir Wilds Bloodstone Loot Box
Titanplate Coat Recipe Book
Recipe: Titanplate Medium Shoulders
Meteor-Wielder's Glove
Recipe: Titanplate Medium Leggings
Legendary Weapon Starter Kit—Set 5
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Spear
Meteor-Wielder's Glove Selection
Flower Diadem Skin
Gift of Janthir Syntri
Titanplate Headpiece Recipe Book
Juvenile Frogfish
Woad Medium Boots
Tiny Wings
Glyph of Alchemy
Stash of Carved Lowland Pine Coins
Homestead Recipe Book: Plants, Volume 1
Recipe: Bronze Twin Largos Trophy
Homestead Upgrade: Fiber Trade Capacity
Homestead Recipe Book: Balloons
Void Corrupted Torch Skin
Golden Mushroom
Magi's Full Moon Longbow
Skysteel Package
Polychromatic Medium Shoulders
Knotted Rope Ring
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Sword
Jug of Wildflower Cyser
Titanplate Light Shoes
Relic of Rivers
Meteor-Wielder's Glove
Glyph of the Tailor
Bearkin Carved Shell
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Shield
Curious Lowland Honeycomb
Titanplate Heavy Gauntlets
Glyph of the Watchknight
Janthir Syntri Adventure: Silver
Refined Homestead Wood
Glyph of the Unbound
Recipe: Jade Bot Workbench
Titanplate Medium Jacket
Recipe: Bronze Siege the Stronghold Trophy
Void Corrupted Focus Skin
Janthir Wilds Gear Box
Woad Boot Box
Recipe: Bronze Cairn the Indomitable Trophy
Titanplate Gloves Recipe Book
Recipe: Titanplate Heavy Helmet
Kodan Cub's Companion
Woad Light Leggings
Gray Rock
Woad Medium Gloves
Warclaw Loot Cache
Sweet-Treated Pine Plank
Borrowed Bait
Valkyrie Bearkin War Helm
Recipe: Bronze Shatterer Trophy
Homestead Recipe Book: Misc. Items, Volume 1
Janthir Fishing Reward
Recipe: Bronze Dhuum Trophy
Onyx Spider's Focus Skin
Mini Ruinshard Mauler
Recipe: Titanplate Medium Boots
Raptor Treat
Janthir Wilds Mursaat Loot Box
Recipe: Titanplate Light Pants
Homestead Upgrade: Ore Trade Capacity
Void Corrupted Weapon Choice
Titanplate Medium Shoulders
Janthir Wilds Elemental Loot Box
Janthir Wilds Expedition Contract
Glyph of the Prospector
Woad Shoulders Box
Large Stash of Carved Lowland Pine Coins
Recipe: Titanplate Heavy Greaves
Local Writ of Renown
Homestead Recipe Book: Pillars
Woad Medium Helm
Magi's Full Moon Pistol
Wisteria Spear Skin
Homestead Recipe Book: Rugs
Janthir Wilds Jade Construct Loot Box
Glyph of the Tailor
Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 2
Homestead Upgrade: Ore Trade Capacity
Woad Light Gloves
Ursan Weapon Chest
Recipe: Titanplate Light Mantle
Valkyrie Bearkin War Helm
Rot Stalker Gloves Skin
Rot Stalker Helm Skin
Woad Light Coat
Lowland Spear Unlock
Magi's Full Moon Shield
Violet Screamer
Void Corrupted Greatsword Skin
Charged Titan Ore
Shaderock Salamander
Glyph of the Crucible
Janthir Wilds Launch Supply Drop: Week Four
Woad Glove Box
Serpent's Wrath Weapon Choice Box
Polychromatic Heavy Pauldrons
Woad Headgear Box
Locked Mythical Kodan Cache
Mechanical Frame
Onyx Spider's Sword Skin
Lowland Shore Adventure: Bronze
Maguuma Jungle Fishing License
Titanplate Heavy Pauldrons
Recipe: Bronze Conjured Amalgamate Trophy
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Short Bow
Woad Leggings Box
Mini Malice Swordshadow
Mursaat Runestone
Glyph of the Scavenger
Recipe: Bronze Cardinal Adina Trophy
Mini Lucid Boulder
Homestead Recipe Book: Basic Decorations
Woad Medium Shoulders
Glyph of Volatility
Glyph of the Scavenger
Winter Sky's Letter
Nature's Vine Spear
Igneous Chair
Ursus Oblige
Recipe: Titanplate Heavy Cuisses
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Mace
Homestead Upgrade: Wood Trade Capacity
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Longbow
Magi's Full Moon Focus
Woad Heavy Helm
Springer Treat
Titanplate Heavy Cuisses
Magi's Full Moon Axe
Woad Coat Box
Onyx Spider's Dagger Skin
Polychromatic Heavy Helmet
Homestead Recipe Book: Benches, Chairs, Stools
Glyph of Volatility
Blue Rock
Titanplate Heavy Helmet
Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 1
Polychromatic Light Mantle
Relic of Sorrow
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Focus
Homestead Upgrade: Fiber Trade Capacity
Onyx Spider's Hammer Skin
Falling Star Quest License
Edible Mushroom
Warclaw-Fur Liner
Homestead Upgrade: Fiber Trade Capacity
Glyph of Virtue
Homestead Recipe Book: Trees
Recipe: Titanplate Medium Gloves
Pale Branch Spear
Homestead Upgrade: Wood Trade Efficiency
Polychromatic Medium Jacket
Janthir Wilds Launch Supply Drop: Week Three
Void Corrupted Short Bow Skin
Void Corrupted Shield Skin
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Staff
Scrap of Janthir Wilds Mastery
Recipe: Bronze Chak Gerent Trophy
Wild Roar Mount Adoption License
Onyx Spider's Warhorn Skin
Mastery Point
Void Corrupted Sword Skin
Janthir Wilds Creatures Loot Box
Woad Light Helm
Recipe: Bronze Tequatl Trophy
Queen Parrotfish
Recipe: Bronze Deimos Trophy
Glyph of the Herbalist
Polychromatic Boot Box
Kodan Cache Key
Homestead Upgrade: Ore Trade Capacity
Plant Fiber
Recipe: Bronze Slothasor Trophy
Void Corrupted Staff Skin
Rot Stalker Shoulder Skin
Titanplate Shoulders Recipe Book
Flame Legion Darksteel
Onyx Spider's Short Bow Skin
Wild Roar Mount Select License
Magi's Full Moon Rifle
Relic of the Claw
Wood Rune Ring
Recipe: Titanplate Heavy Gauntlets
Standing Stones Timepiece
Void Corrupted Rifle Skin
Bag of Loot
Black Lion Plush Bear Head Pal Recipe
Blissful Boots Skin
Set of Wayfinder's Versatile Table Recipes
Luminous Partisan
Weekly PvP Tournament Reward Box
Holy Barrage Mining Tool
Blissful Skirt Skin
The Spearmarshal's Gift
Black Lion Plush Choya Pal Recipe
Tofu Container
Variety PvP Tournament Reward Box
Envelope of 5 League Tickets
Dragon Decade Spear Skin
Panda Warclaw Skin
Desert-Spiced Coffee Container
Holy Barrage Harvesting Tool
Flax Fiber Container
Title: Push Beta Tester
Holy Barrage Logging Tool
Black Lion Plush Bird Pal Recipe
Acclaimed Militia Chestpiece Skin
Title: Object in Motion
Black Lion Plush Quaggan Pal Recipe
Mystical Beast Rifle Skin
Mystical Beast Sword Skin
Graceful Bladed Right Wing Glider Skin
Clawing Shadow Plate
Candy Core Mace
Guardian Angel Pedestal Chair
Recipe: Antique Bell
Haunted Bell
Recipe: Gargoyle
Mystical Beast Warhorn Skin
Candy Core Longbow
Candy Core Hammer
Graceful Bladed Left Wing Backpack and Glider Combo
Meditative Garden Homestead Package
Graceful Bladed Left Wing Glider Skin
Mystical Beast Greatsword Skin
Mystical Beast Mace Skin
Candy Core Axe
Black Lion Meditative Sand Circle Recipe
Candy Core Short Bow
Graceful Bladed Wings Backpack and Glider Combo
Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 9
Sanguine Staff
Clawing Shadow Plate
Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 4
Mini Pummel Spider
Flowing Silk Glider Skin
Candy Core Dagger
Mystical Beast Scepter Skin
Black Lion Meditative Bamboo Fence Recipe
Candy Core Torch
Clawing Shadow Plate
Mystical Beast Torch Skin
Mystical Beast Staff Skin
Graceful Bladed Left Wing Backpack Skin
Sanguine Focus
Mystical Beast Axe Skin
Portable Hot Springs Chair
Candy Core Sword
Antique Bell
Mystical Beast Longbow Skin
Black Lion Meditative Sand Lines Recipe
Mystical Beast Focus Skin
Candy Core Staff
Graceful Bladed Wings Backpack Skin
Black Lion Meditative Lucky Rock Recipe
Black Lion Meditative Long Bamboo Fence Recipe
Mystical Beast Short Bow Skin
Graceful Bladed Wings Glider Skin
Recipe: Haunted Bell
Black Lion Meditative Stone Lantern Recipe
Sanguine Shield
Mystical Beast Spear Skin
Mystical Beast Shield Skin
Recipe: Warclaw Rental Post
Graceful Bladed Right Wing Backpack Skin
Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 5
Candy Core Shield
Candy Core Chest
Recipe: Flame-Bearing Gargoyle
Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 3
Courtly Weapon Chest
Mystical Beast Hammer Skin
Candy Core Warhorn
Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 7
Flame-Bearing Gargoyle
Clawing Shadow Plate
Black Lion Meditative Favored Rock Recipe
"/Breakdance" Emote Tome
Candy Core Pistol
Black Lion Meditative Windswept Tree Recipe
Mystical Beast Weapon Choice
Candy Core Spear
Trader's Grim Machine Chest
Graceful Bladed Right Wing Backpack and Glider Combo
Flowing Silk Backpack Skin
Mystical Beast Pistol Skin
Candy Core Rifle
Alluring Silk Outfit
Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 6
Candy Core Focus
Candy Core Scepter
Warclaw Rental Post
Candy Core Greatsword
Black Lion Meditative Bamboo Fountain Recipe
Mystical Beast Dagger Skin
Homestead Recipe Book: Halloween, Volume 8
Black Lion Material Bag: Janthir Wilds
Foefire Greatsword Skin
Foefire Focus Skin
Mini Blue Cuckoo Hatchling
Foefire Longbow Skin
Foefire Scepter Skin
Mini Red and White Cuckoo Hatchling
Foefire Staff Skin
Mini Silver and Gold Cuckoo Hatchling
Foefire Axe Skin
Mystic Visionary Cape
Mini Celestial Cuckoo Hatchling
Mini Black and Green Cuckoo Hatchling
Foefire Mace Skin
Foefire Sword Skin
Mini White Cuckoo Hatchling
Foefire Warhorn Skin
Mini Light Blue and Purple Cuckoo Hatchling
Mini Yellow Cuckoo Hatchling
Foefire Dagger Skin
Foefire Shield Skin
Foefire Spear Skin
Foefire Short Bow Skin
Foefire Pistol Skin
Mini Brown Cuckoo Hatchling
Foefire Hammer Skin
Foefire Rifle Skin
Foefire Torch Skin
Steamwork Skyscale Skin
Reuniting Lost Kryptis: Bronze
Tincture of Distilled Convergences
Lunar Astrolabe Warhorn Skin
Extra-Large Pinch of Stardust
Relic of the Sorcerer
Ring of Fire Veteran
Shadow Chevalier Axe Skin
Endless Midnight King Combat Tonic
Mini Peitha
Shadow Chevalier Torch Skin
Extra-Large Calcified Gasp
Isle of Janthir Veteran
Kaineng Veteran
Skyscale Staff Skin
Skyscale Torch Skin
Anvil Rock Veteran
Council of Commentators Chair
Suffused Obsidian Medium Mask Skin
Ferguson's Crossing Veteran
Aromatic Flower
Runestone of Suffusion
Lunar Astrolabe Sword Skin
Suffused Obsidian Heavy Pauldrons Skin
Shadow Chevalier Greatsword Skin
Sea of Sorrows Veteran
Suffused Obsidian Light Crown Skin
Far Shiverpeaks Veteran
Desolation Veteran
Mini Kryptis
Suffused Obsidian Light Shoes Skin
Shadow Chevalier Pistol Skin
World Veteran Title Box
Shadow Chevalier Warhorn Skin
Maguuma Veteran
Tincture of Distilled Amnytas Events
Suffused Obsidian Medium Jacket Skin
Crystal Desert Veteran
Amnytas Supply Run: Bronze
Lunar Astrolabe Greatsword Skin
Free Kryptis Essence: Silver
Nayos Recon Run: Gold
Ruins of Surmia Veteran
Arborstone Veteran
Shadow Chevalier Short Bow Skin
Underworld Veteran
Riverside Veteran
Miller's Sound Veteran
Suffused Obsidian Medium Leggings Skin
Lunar Astrolabe Dagger Skin
Skysage's Cape Skin
Convergence Challenge Mode: Bronze
Forgotten Citadel of Zakiros Reward Box
Imbued Rune of Suffusion
Fort Ranik Veteran
Lunar Astrolabe Staff Skin
Dzagonur Veteran
Suffused Obsidian Light Mantle Skin
One-Handed Skyscale Weapon Box
Mastery Point
Gandara Veteran
Lunar Astrolabe Selection Box
Storm Lord's Throne
Vabbi Veteran
Lunar Astrolabe Hammer Skin
Shadow Chevalier Hammer Skin
Legendary Weapon Starter Kit—Set 4
Lunar Astrolabe Torch Skin
Wolf Griffon Skin
Skyscale Hammer Skin
Tincture of Distilled Nayos Events
Relic of the Wayfinder
Shadow Chevalier Rifle Skin
Amnytas Supply Run: Gold
Mingoo's Cat Toy
Two-Handed Skyscale Weapon Skin Chest
Aurora Glade Veteran
Skyscale Rifle Skin
Lunar Astrolabe Mace Skin
Endless Mystery Kryptis Tonic
Relic of Zakiros
Skyscale Dagger Skin
Shadow Chevalier Focus Skin
Reuniting Lost Kryptis: Silver
Skyscale Longbow Skin
Wayfinder's Versatile Table
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Short Bow
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Pistol
Bonfire Axe
Secrets of the Obscure Expedition Contract
Serpent's Wrath Focus Skin
Disguised Umbrella Sword Skin
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Rifle
Sacred Crystal Warhorn
Chromatic Assassin Short Bow Skin
Sacred Crystal Torch
Chromatic Assassin Greatsword Skin
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Dagger
Sacred Crystal Sword
Unbound Magic Harvesting Blast
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Warhorn
Sacred Crystal Short Bow
Serpent's Wrath Hammer Skin
Chromatic Assassin Rifle Skin
Chromatic Assassin Pistol Skin
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Shield
Sacred Crystal Spear
Chromatic Assassin Hammer Skin
Serpent's Wrath Spear Skin
Chromatic Assassin Mace Skin
Eldritch Horror Logging Tool
Serpent's Wrath Rifle Skin
Volatile Magic Mining Tool
Herald of Aurene Harvesting Tool
Sacred Crystal Rifle
Volatile Magic Logging Tool
Commander's Holographic Dragon Cuisses
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Mace
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Scepter
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Spear
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Greatsword
Chromatic Assassin Warhorn Skin
Serpent's Wrath Sword Skin
Eldritch Horror Harvesting Tool
Striated Caprine Warclaw Skin
Trader's Dragonrender Chest
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Longbow
Charged Caprine Warclaw Skin
Volatile Magic Harvesting Tool
Spirit of Bear Mining Tool
Spirit of Wolf Logging Tool
Commander's Holographic Dragon Cuisses
Serpent's Wrath Pistol Skin
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Hammer
Sacred Crystal Scepter
Chromatic Assassin Spear Skin
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Staff
Serpent's Wrath Weapon Skin Choice Box
Dragon Bash Weapon Chest
Chromatic Assassin Longbow Skin
Unbound Magic Mining Beam
Serpent's Wrath Longbow Skin
Serpent's Wrath Scepter Skin
Serpent's Wrath Axe Skin
Sacred Crystal Pistol
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Torch
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Sword
Holographic Dragon Cuisses
Chromatic Assassin Focus Skin
Flowing Scaled Cape
Chromatic Assassin Sword Skin
Serpent's Wrath Staff Skin
Eldritch Horror Mining Tool
Herald of Aurene Mining Tool
Wrought Iron Dragon Statue
Chromatic Assassin Torch Skin
Wrought Iron Dragon Tail
Sacred Crystal Chest
Bonfire Longbow
Serpent's Wrath Dagger Skin
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Focus
Wrought Iron Dragon Body
Chromatic Assassin Dagger Skin
Serpent's Wrath Shield Skin
Sacred Crystal Hammer
Serpent's Wrath Mace Skin
Commander's Holographic Dragon Cuisses
Spirit of Raven Harvesting Tool
Mini Mystical Blue Orb
Sacred Crystal Shield
Herald of Aurene Logging Tool
Berserker's Serpent's Wrath Axe
Serpent's Wrath Warhorn Skin
Sacred Crystal Greatsword
Serpent's Wrath Greatsword Skin
Highland Caprine Warclaw Skin
Chromatic Assassin Staff Skin
Chromatic Assassin Shield Skin
Sacred Crystal Focus
Sacred Crystal Longbow
Bonfire Torch
Serpent's Wrath Short Bow Skin
Chromatic Assassin Axe Skin
Serpent's Wrath Torch Skin
Sacred Crystal Dagger
Skyscale Rental Post
Unbound Magic Logging Pulse
Chromatic Assassin Scepter Skin
Sacred Crystal Axe
Sacred Crystal Mace
Sacred Crystal Staff
Whispering Serpents Pauldrons Skin
Worn Voltaic Spear
Infusible Leather Aquabreather
Breezy Swim Pack
Beach Sandals Skin
Account Swim-Speed Boost +25
Infusible Metal Aquabreather
Tropical Chest Skin
Account Swim-Speed Boost +20
Beach Hat Skin
Account Swim-Speed Infusion
Neon Demon Mask Skin
Breezy Swim Bottoms Skin
Vacation Lounge Chair
Infusible Cloth Aquabreather
Tropical Legwear Skin
Tropical Beach Pack
Breezy Swim Top Skin
Infusible Aquabreather Box
Beach Bracelet Skin
Disguised Fan Shield Skin
Sandswept Sword
Corrupted Hero Torch
Magical Cape
Corrupted Hero Scepter
Sandswept Greatsword
Corrupted Hero Scepter
Corrupted Hero Mace
Wanderer's Beach Trunks
Corrupted Hero Rifle
Thunderous Greatsword
Skimmer Rental Post
Sandswept Scepter
Corrupted Hero Mace
Corrupted Hero Hammer
Drop of Instant World Experience
Sandswept Warhorn
Sandswept Shield
Sandswept Torch
Thunderous Longbow
Wanderer's Beach Trunks
Sandswept Hammer
Sandswept Staff
Silver Proof of Glory
Thunderous Warhorn
Corrupted Hero Warhorn
Gold PvP Tournament Currency Reward Box
Corrupted Hero Short Bow
Lightning Wings Backpack and Glider Combo
Sandswept Focus
Krytan Garden Column
Mini Sea Turtle
Bronze PvP Tournament Currency Reward Box
Corrupted Hero Longbow
Divine Radiance Sword Skin
Corrupted Hero Hammer
Sandswept Dagger
Mist-Infused Master Tuning Crystal
Corrupted Hero Shield
Corrupted Hero Sword
Corrupted Hero Axe
Corrupted Hero Greatsword
Gold Proof of Glory
Corrupted Hero Focus
Sandswept Chest
Wanderer's Beach Trunks
Corrupted Hero Spear
Sandswept Short Bow
Corrupted Hero Rifle
Corrupted Hero Axe
Corrupted Hero Torch
Sandswept Longbow
Shattered Stone Backpack and Glider Combo
Corrupted Hero Longbow
Infernal Envoy Backpack and Glider Combo
Phialslinger Outfit
Corrupted Hero Staff
Corrupted Hero Short Bow
Corrupted Hero Focus
Giant Folding Fan Backpack and Glider Combo
Sandswept Axe
Corrupted Hero Dagger
Silver PvP Tournament Currency Reward Box
Ocean's Heart Fishing Rod Skin
Corrupted Hero Shield
Corrupted Hero Dagger
Mist-Infused Jade Catalyst
Corrupted Hero Warhorn
Sandswept Mace
Sandswept Rifle
Corrupted Hero Staff
Bazaar-Traded Weapon Chest
Corrupted Hero Pistol
"/PetalThrow" Emote Tome
Canthan Phoenix Backpack and Glider Combo
Beach Trunks
Trader's Sun-Grown Chest
Corrupted Hero Greatsword
Corrupted Hero Sword
Corrupted Hero Spear
Sandswept Spear
Phialslinger Manticore Skyscale Skin
Bronze Proof of Glory
Elonian Bazaar Shade
Sandswept Pistol
Corrupted Hero Pistol
Corrupted Hero Weapon Locker
Beach House Spiral Stairs
Recipe: Bronze Mordremoth Trophy
Recipe: Titanplate Heavy Pauldrons
Homestead Upgrade: Wood Trade Capacity
Relic of the Blightbringer
Recipe: Bronze Sabetha Trophy
Magi's Full Moon Short Bow
Refined Homestead Metal
Homestead Recipe Book: Misc. Items, Volume 2
Void Corrupted Spear Skin
Mini Stoic Alder
Warclaw Treat
Magi's Full Moon Dagger
Glyph of the Leatherworker
Wayfinder's Versatile Table Decoration
Janthir Wilds Kodan Loot Box
Recipe: Titanplate Light Regalia
Relic of Atrocity
Titanplate Medium Mask
Minor Kodan Cache
Void Corrupted Mace Skin
Rotted Titan Amber
Endless Janthiri Floppy Fish Tonic
Glyph of the Watchknight
Janthir Syntri: Hero's Choice Chest
Onyx Spider's Selection Box
Lowland Shore Adventure: Silver
Magi's Full Moon Greatsword
Titanplate Light Gloves
Recipe: Basic Pedestal
Janthiri Gear Box
Recipe: Bronze Xera Trophy
Borrowed Bait
Mini Mr. Ribbington
Lowland Shore Adventure: Gold
Meteor-Wielder's Glove
Homestead Upgrade: Fiber Trade Capacity
Refined Homestead Fiber
Recipe: Bronze Cardinal Sabir Trophy
Void Corrupted Warhorn Skin
Recipe: Bronze White Mantle Abomination Trophy
Glyph of Volatility
Recipe: Bronze Ether Djinn Trophy
Janthiri Renown Chest
Onyx Spider's Scepter Skin
Titanplate Medium Gloves
Precious Lowland Shore Gear Box
Onyx Spider's Longbow Skin
Homestead Upgrade: Wood Trade Capacity
Glyph of Alchemy
Janthir Syntri Adventure: Gold
Endless Warclaw Kitten Tonic
Lowland Kodan Expertise
Polychromatic Medium Gloves
Janthir Wilds Greer Loot Box
Glyph of the Forester
Glyph of the Crucible
Janthir Wilds Launch Supply Drop Requisition
Polychromatic Glove Box
Titanplate Light Regalia
Lowland Shore Strongbox
Onyx Spider's Mace Skin
Wayfinder's Versatile Table Recipe
Recipe: Bronze Desmina Trophy
Woad Heavy Coat
Homestead Upgrade: Ore Trade Efficiency
Homestead Upgrade: Ore Trade Efficiency
Titanplate Boots Recipe Book
Fish Bone Whistle
Void Corrupted Pistol Skin
Homestead Recipe Book: Elonian Architecture
Dredge Heat-Ablation Plates
Titanplate Light Crown
Lesser Kodan Cache
Mouse-Eared Octopus
Polychromatic Heavy Gauntlets
Polychromatic Coat Box
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Pistol
Homestead Recipe Book: Tables
Lowland Grunt
Void Corrupted Hammer Skin
Onyx Spider's Staff Skin
Onyx Spider's Axe Skin
Prismatic Spear
Homestead Recipe Book: Statues
Glyph of the Scavenger
Titanplate Light Pants
Lowland Shore Adventure: Bronze
Green Rock
Neutralized Titan Alloy
Janthir Hoard
Yellow Rock
Recipe: Titanplate Medium Jacket
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Scepter
Eldritch Horror Logging Tool Container
Recipe: Titanplate Heavy Breastplate
Void Corrupted Axe Skin
Recipe: Bronze Triple Trouble Trophy
Curious Mursaat Currency
Recipe: Bronze Vale Guardian Trophy
Polychromatic Light Pants
Homestead Upgrade: Ore Trade Capacity
Lowland Pine Log
Woad Medium Coat
Heat Core Infusion
Magi's Full Moon Torch
Janthir Wilds Warclaw Skin
Ornamented Bearkin Claw
Skysteel Chair
Mohawk Bream
Mastery Point
Glyph of the Herbalist
Glyph of Virtue
Onyx Spider's Shield Skin
Shred of Janthir Wilds Mastery
Mythical Kodan Cache
Homestead Upgrade: Wood Trade Efficiency
Recipe: Titanplate Light Gloves
Titanplate Leggings Recipe Book
Brown Rock
Homestead Recipe Book: Solid Ocean Fractal
Polychromatic Heavy Greaves
Honey Flower
Woad Heavy Shoulders
Recipe: Titanplate Light Cowl
Glyph of Alchemy
Polychromatic Light Crown
Recipe: Bronze Qadim Trophy
Homestead Upgrade: Wood Trade Capacity
Titanplate Light Mantle
Janthir Wilds Decima Loot Box
Red Rock
Eldritch Horror Mining Tool Container
Homestead Recipe Book: Cushions
Honeycomb-Covered Gear Bag
Woad Heavy Boots
Relic of the Stormsinger
Longhorn Boxfish
Pink Rock
Glyph of the Prospector
Homestead Upgrade: Wood Trade Capacity
Janthir Wilds Launch Supply Drop: Week Two
Titanplate Medium Leggings
Glyph of Virtue
Void Corrupted Longbow Skin
Glyph of the Forester
Void Corrupted Scepter Skin
Onyx Spider's Rifle Skin
Skysteel Glider
Titanplate Heavy Greaves
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Warhorn
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Torch
Janthir Wilds Gear Box
Borrowed Fishing Lure
Homestead Recipe Book: Guild Arena
Eldritch Horror Harvesting Tool Container
Janthir Syntri Strongbox
Homestead Upgrade: Ore Trade Capacity
Secret Missive
Crystalline Diode
Recipe: Titanplate Medium Mask
Recipe: Bronze Samarog Trophy
Indigo Drakefish
Magi's Full Moon Mace
Polychromatic Medium Mask
Titanplate Heavy Breastplate
Janthir Syntri Adventure: Gold
Glyph of the Tailor
Falling Star
Polychromatic Heavy Breastplate
Frozen Chair
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Rifle
Chest of Homestead Starter Goods
Polychromatic Headgear Box
Void Corrupted Dagger Skin
Local Writ of Renown
Lowland Shore Adventure: Silver
Magi's Ursan Ornamented Axe
Polychromatic Light Gloves
Glyph of the Unbound
Mini Janthiri Bee
Homestead Upgrade: Fiber Trade Efficiency
Homestead Recipe Book: Lights
Recipe: Bronze Statue of Grenth Trophy
Polychromatic Light Regalia
Glyph of the Herbalist
Glyph of the Leatherworker
Frozen Regalia Outfit
Glyph of the Crucible
Woad Light Shoulders
Homestead Recipe Book: Paintings and Shelves
Janthir Wilds Launch Supply Drop: Week One
Onyx Spider's Spear Skin
Woad Heavy Gloves
Refined Tempering Oil
Glyph of the Watchknight
Janthir Syntri Adventure: Bronze
Mini Poised Arrow
Priory's Historical Pauldrons (PvP)
Trooper's Mask
Trooper's Mantle
Inquisitor's Gloves
Masquerade Leggings
Dredge Lamp
Orrian Axe
Orrian Longsword of Bloodlust
Ceremonial Longbow of Rage
Ceremonial Bulwark of Rage
Krytan Shield
Krytan Pistol of the Geomancer
Aureate Spear of Water
Cabalist Boots
Magi's Iron Spear
Cavalier's Iron Shield
Cavalier's Soft Wood Torch
Purge Signet (Infused)
Settler's Reinforced Scale Gauntlets
Settler's Reinforced Scale Legs
Settler's Reinforced Scale Pauldrons
Settler's Iron Spear
Settler's Soft Wood Longbow of Perception
Potent Simple Sharpening Stone
Potent Standard Sharpening Stone
Potent Quality Sharpening Stone
Potent Hardened Sharpening Stone
WXP Mini-Booster
Plush Moto Backpack Cover
Forsaken Titan's Brand
Apostate's Glaukon's Greeting
Apostate's Thermaul
Apostate's Titan's Brand
Survivor's Griffoncrack
Titan's Brand
Elegant Tailor's Backpack
Wurm Rest
Imperial Rest
Webby Rest
Saurian Rest
Arcanum Rest
Tournament Title Scroll: Triumphant Trio
Swim-Speed Infusion +30
Zephyrite Warhorn
Zephyrite Short Bow
Zephyrite Torch
Sun-Blessed Zephyrite Short Bow
Sun-Blessed Zephyrite Torch
Sun-Blessed Zephyrite Warhorn
Starter Kit: Incinerator
Starter Kit: Twilight
Legendary Choice Box
Aurene's Flight
Keeper's Leather Breather
Birthday Gift
Umbral Serpent Backpack and Glider Combo
Equinox Wings Backpack and Glider Combo
Cuddly Cat Backpack and Glider Combo
Possession Infusion
Possession Infusion
Jar of Dangerous Spirits
Possession Infusion
Sorcerer's Cape Backpack and Glider Combo
Possession Infusion
Possession Infusion
Simple Stool
Possession Infusion
Sorrow's Claw
Possession Infusion
Possession Infusion
Elegant Noble's Backpack and Glider Combo
Baggy Cargo Pants Skin
Saryx Backpiece
Skysage's Shoulder Skin
Trapper's Fur Cape Skin
Saryx Backpiece (Infused)
Cerus's Magnificent Coffer
Skysage's Leggings Skin
Skysage's Coat Skin
Afternoon Wine Dye
Devil-Rending Dagger Skin
Candy Corn Gobbler's Blessing
Slate Dye
Shattered Stone Wings Backpack Skin
Pastel Lavender Dye
Smooth Berry Dye Kit
Pillager's Pack
Deep Sea Dye
Shattered Stone Wings Glider Skin
Pillager's Pack
Light Viridian Dye
Celestial Invisible Cat Cape
Mustard Dye
Serious Potion
Synergetics Energized Shield Skin
Toymaker's Party Skiff Skin
Pillager's Pack
Super Owl Statue
Golem-Buster Dagger
Mini Super Green Ooze
Super Red Crystal
Gilded Stratus Longbow Skin
Abyss Hunter Cape Backpack and Glider Combo
Retro-Forged Sword
Golem-Buster Weapons Locker
"/Unleash" Emote Tome
Golem-Buster Short Bow
Retro-Forged Weapon Chest
Golem-Buster Rifle
Golem-Buster Scepter
Spineshell Roller Beetle Skin
Valkyrie Powered Shoulders
Golem-Buster Greatsword
Super Grand Gate
Powered Shoulders Box
Valkyrie Powered Shoulders
Golem-Buster Axe
Golem-Buster Sword
Golem-Buster Longbow
Golem-Buster Torch
Retro-Forged Scepter
Golem-Buster Shield
Golem-Buster Staff
Delicate Lace Cape Skin
Abyss Hunter Cape
Golem-Buster Focus
Abyss Hunter Cape Glider
Retro-Forged Spear
Golem-Buster Hammer
Golem-Buster Pistol
Raven Greaves Skin
Golem-Buster Mace
Valkyrie Powered Shoulders
Golem-Buster Warhorn
Abyss Hunter Outfit
Retro-Forged Pistol
Nayos Recon Run: Bronze
Pointy Tooth
Jade Sea Veteran
Lunar Astrolabe Shield Skin
Suffused Obsidian Heavy Helmet Skin
Stormbluff Isle Veteran
Blacktide Veteran
Tincture of Distilled Rift Energy
Borlis Pass Veteran
Vizunah Square Veteran
Astral Fluctuating Mass
Tincture of Distilled World Bosses
Lunar Astrolabe Longbow Skin
Lunar Astrolabe Scepter Skin
Suffused Obsidian Light Gloves Skin
Lunar Astrolabe Short Bow Skin
Blackgate Veteran
Eparch's Empowered Greatsword
Relic of the Founding
Eparch's Sword
Lunar Astrolabe Axe Skin
Mini Astral Ward Livia
Suffused Obsidian Medium Shoulders Skin
Suffused Obsidian Light Regalia Skin
Dragonbrand Veteran
Suffused Obsidian Light Pants Skin
Citadel of Zakiros: Hero's Choice Chest
Shadow Chevalier Shield Skin
Eparch's Greatsword
Convergence Challenge Mode: Gold
Lunar Astrolabe Focus Skin
Northern Shiverpeaks Veteran
Skyscale Pistol Skin
Skyscale Shield Skin
Raven Leggings Skin
Baruch Bay Veteran
Fort Aspenwood Veteran
Suffused Obsidian Heavy Gauntlets Skin
Drakkar Lake Veteran
Raven Vest Skin
Relic of the Twin Generals
Eparch's Hoard
Skyscale Greatsword Skin
Portable Wizard's Tower Exchange
Delicate Flower
Skyscale Mace Skin
Box of Eparch's Prized Possessions
Two-Handed Skyscale Weapon Box
Jar of Finely Ground Bloodstone Dust
Yellow Flower
Piken Square Veteran
Shadow Chevalier Sword Skin
Eparch's Hoard
Suffused Obsidian Medium Gloves Skin
Free Kryptis Essence: Bronze
Eredon Terrace Veteran
Mini Zakiros Wyvern
Skyscale Focus Skin
Midnight King Backpiece (Infused)
Abaddon's Mouth Veteran
Fluffy Clouds Glider
Sanctum of Rall Veteran
Empowered Eparch's Sword
Nayos Recon Run: Silver
Extra-Large Static Charge
Shadow Chevalier Scepter Skin
Elona Reach Veteran
Relic of Mosyn
Lunar Astrolabe Pistol Skin
Fissure of Woe Veteran
Gate of Madness Veteran
Sorrow's Furnace Veteran
Shadow Chevalier Dagger Skin
Stuffed Quaggan?
Suffused Obsidian Heavy Breastplate Skin
Skyscale Axe Skin
Tincture of Distilled Lantern Power
Free Kryptis Essence: Gold
Ehmry Bay Veteran
Suffused Obsidian Medium Boots Skin
Visage of Nourys
Darkhaven Veteran
Lunar Astrolabe Rifle Skin
Tarnished Coast Veteran
Shadow Chevalier Staff Skin
Suffused Obsidian Heavy Cuisses Skin
Skyscale Short Bow Skin
Skyscale Scepter Skin
Enchanted Skimmer Skin
Skyscale Sword Skin
Suffused Obsidian Heavy Greaves Skin
Henge of Denravi Veteran
Devona's Rest Veteran
Kodash Veteran
Tincture of Distilled Skywatch Events
Shadow Chevalier Longbow Skin
Reuniting Lost Kryptis: Gold
Jade Quarry Veteran
Whiteside Ridge Veteran
Yak's Bend Veteran
Seafarer's Rest Veteran
Convergence Challenge Mode: Silver
The Axe of Destiny
Gunnar's Hold Veteran
Amnytas Supply Run: Silver
Skyscale Warhorn Skin
Augury Rock Veteran
One-Handed Skyscale Weapon Skin Chest
Eparch's Hoard
Midnight King Backpiece
Shadow Chevalier Mace Skin